A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
HaloBorder — class, package mx.skins.halo
Defines the appearance of the default border for the Halo theme.
HaloBorder() — Constructor, class mx.skins.halo.HaloBorder
HaloColors — class, package mx.skins.halo
Defines the colors used by components that support the Halo theme.
HaloDefaults — class, package mx.charts.styles
Initializes the core default styles for the charts classes.
HaloFocusRect — class, package mx.skins.halo
Defines the skin for the focus indicator.
HaloFocusRect() — Constructor, class mx.skins.halo.HaloFocusRect
handleAuthenticationFault(errMsg:mx.messaging.messages:ErrorMessage, msg:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — method, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent
Handles the authentication fault on the server.
handler — Event, class mx.states.SetEventHandler
The event handler function to execute in response to the event that is specified by the name property.
Handler — final class, package org.apache.flex.promises.vo
Handler(onFulfilled:Function, onRejected:Function) — Constructor, class org.apache.flex.promises.vo.Handler
handleResults(errorResults:Array) — method, class mx.validators.Validator
Returns a ValidationResultEvent from the Array of error results.
handleResults(errorResults:Array) — method, class spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase
Returns a ValidationResultEvent from the Array of error results.
handlerFunction — Property, class mx.states.SetEventHandler
The handler function for the event.
handleShiftAsSoftReturn — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager
HANGUL — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType
Numbering for Hangul.
HANGUL_CONSTANT — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType
Numbering for Hangul.
hasAll — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPHierarchy
Specifies whether the hierarchy has an all member, true, or not, false.
hasAll — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPAttribute
Contains true because attributes are assumed to be aggregatable and all member is present.
hasAll — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPHierarchy
Specifies whether the hierarchy has an all member, true, or not, false.
hasAnySelection() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager
Indicates whether there is a text or cell selection.
hasAnySelection() — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager
Indicates whether there is a text or cell selection.
hasBackgroundImage — Property, interface mx.core.IRectangularBorder
Contains true if the RectangularBorder instance contains a background image.
hasBackgroundImage — Property, class mx.skins.RectangularBorder
Contains true if the RectangularBorder instance contains a background image.
hasCellDamage — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement
Indicates elements in the table have been modified and the table must be recomposed.
hasCellRangeSelection() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager
hasCellRangeSelection() — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager
hasChildren(node:Object) — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalData
Returns true if the node has children.
hasChildren(node:Object) — method, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalData
Returns true if the node has children.
hasChildren — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridListData
Contains true if the item has children.
hasChildren(node:Object, model:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor
Determines if the node actually has children.
hasChildren(node:Object, model:Object) — method, class mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor
Determines if the node actually has children.
hasChildren(node:Object, model:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor
Tests for the existence of children in a non-terminating node.
hasChildren — Property, class mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeListData
Contains true if the node has children.
hasComplexLayoutMatrix — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns true if the UIComponent has any non-translation (x,y) transform properties.
hasComplexLayoutMatrix — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns true if the GraphicElement has any non-translation (x,y) transform properties
hasCSSState() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns true if currentCSSState is not null.
hasCSSState() — method, class mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient
Returns true if currentCSSState is not null.
hasCSSState() — method, interface mx.styles.IAdvancedStyleClient
Returns true if currentCSSState is not null.
hasCSSState() — method, class mx.styles.StyleProxy
Returns true if currentCSSState is not null.
hasCSSState() — method, class spark.collections.Sort
hasCSSState() — method, class spark.collections.SortField
hasEventListener(type:String) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement
hasEventListener(type:String) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow
hasEventListener(eventType:String) — method, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView
hasEventListener(type:String) — method, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
hasEventListener(type:String) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPCube
Checks whether the object has any listeners registered for a specific type of event.
hasEventListener(type:String) — method, class mx.utils.ObjectProxy
Checks whether there are any event listeners registered for a specific type of event.
hasEventListener(type:String) — method, class mx.utils.OnDemandEventDispatcher
hasFocusableChildren — Property, class mx.core.FlexHTMLLoader
A flag that indicates whether child objects can receive focus.
hasFocusableChildren — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
A flag that indicates whether child objects can receive focus.
hasFocusableChildren — Property, interface mx.managers.IFocusManagerComponent
A flag that indicates whether child objects can receive focus.
hasFocusableChildren — Property, class spark.components.List
A flag that indicates whether this List's focusable item renderers can take keyboard focus.
hasFocusableContent — Property, interface mx.managers.IFocusManagerComplexComponent
A flag that indicates whether the component currently has internal focusable targets
hasFormat(format:String) — method, class mx.core.DragSource
Returns true if the data source contains the requested format; otherwise, it returns false.
hashType — Property, class mx.core.RSLData
The type of hash used to create the RSL digest.
_hasIcon — Property, class spark.components.itemRenderers.MenuCoreItemRenderer
hasIcon property (bindable) - used by subclasses
hasIcon — Property, class spark.components.itemRenderers.MenuCoreItemRenderer
hasIllegalCharacters(value:String) — Static Method , class mx.logging.Log
This method checks the specified string value for illegal characters.
hasInteractiveChildren() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement
hasLayoutMatrix3D — Property, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Contains true if the element has 3D Matrix.
hasLayoutMatrix3D — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
Contains true if the element has 3D Matrix.
hasLayoutMatrix3D — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Contains true if the element has 3D Matrix.
hasLayoutMatrix3D — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Contains true if the element has 3D Matrix.
hasMergedCells() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement
Convenience method for checking if table has merged cells
hasMetadata(obj:Object, propName:String, metadataName:String, excludes:Array, options:Object) — Static Method , class mx.utils.ObjectUtil
Uses getClassInfo and examines the metadata information to determine whether a property on a given object has the specified metadata.
hasMutualTrustBetweenParentAndChild(bp:mx.core:ISWFBridgeProvider) — Static Method , class mx.utils.SecurityUtil
Tests if there is mutual trust between the parent and child of the specified bridge.
hasPendingRequestForMessage(msg:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — method, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent
Returns true if there are any pending requests for the passed in message.
hasPendingRequestForMessage(msg:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — method, class mx.rpc.AsyncRequest
Returns true if there are any pending requests for the passed in message.
hasProperty(name:any) — method, class mx.messaging.config.ConfigMap
This is an internal function that must be implemented by a subclass of flash.utils.Proxy.
hasProperty(name:any) — method, class mx.utils.OrderedObject
This is an internal function that must be implemented by a subclass of flash.utils.Proxy.
hasResponder() — method, class mx.rpc.AsyncToken
Determines if this token has at least one mx.rpc.IResponder registered.
hasRoot — Property, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView
A flag that, if true, indicates that the current data provider has a root node; for example, a single top-level node in a hierarchical structure.
hasRoot — Property, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView
A flag that, if true, indicates that the current data provider has a root node; for example, a single top-level node in a hierarchical structure.
hasRoot — Property, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu
A flag that indicates that the current data provider has a root node; for example, a single top node in a hierarchical structure.
hasRoot — Property, class mx.controls.Menu
A flag that indicates that the current data provider has a root node; for example, a single top node in a hierarchical structure.
hasRoot — Property, class mx.controls.MenuBar
A flag that indicates that the current data provider has a root node; for example, a single top node in a hierarchical structure.
hasRoot — Property, class mx.controls.Tree
Indicates that the current dataProvider has a root item; for example, a single top node in a hierarchical structure.
hasRowData(rowIndex:int) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPResult
Returns true if the row contains data.
hasSelection() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager
Indicates whether there is a text selection.
hasSelection() — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager
Indicates whether there is a text selection.
hasState(stateName:String) — method, interface mx.core.IStateClient2
Determines whether the specified state has been defined on this UIComponent.
hasState(stateName:String) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Determines whether the specified state has been defined on this UIComponent.
hasState(stateName:String) — method, class spark.skins.ActionScriptSkinBase
MobileSkin does not use states.
hasTokens(url:String) — Static Method , class mx.utils.URLUtil
Given a url, determines whether the url contains the server.name and server.port tokens.
hasTouchScreen — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration
hasUnresolvableTokens() — Static Method , class mx.utils.URLUtil
If the LoaderConfig.url property is not available, the replaceTokens() method will not replace the server name and port properties properly.
HBox — class, package mx.containers
The Halo HBox container lays out its children in a single horizontal row.
HBox() — Constructor, class mx.containers.HBox
HDividedBox — class, package mx.containers
The HDividedBox container lays out its children horizontally in the same way as HBox container, but it inserts a draggable divider in the gap between each child.
HDividedBox() — Constructor, class mx.containers.HDividedBox
HDivider — class, package spark.containers
HDivider() — Constructor, class spark.containers.HDivider
HDividerGroup — class, package spark.containers
HDividerGroup() — Constructor, class spark.containers.HDividerGroup
head — Property, class mx.utils.LinkedList
Node representing head of the list.
header — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase
The header sub-component.
header — Property, class mx.rpc.events.HeaderEvent
Header that the RPC call returned in the response.
header — Event, class mx.rpc.soap.Operation
Dispatched when an Operation invocation returns with SOAP headers in the response.
HEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.events.HeaderEvent
The HEADER event type.
headerBackgroundSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the background of the column headers in a DataGrid control.
headerBackgroundSkin — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the background of the column headers in a AdvancedDataGrid control.
headerColors — Style, class mx.containers.Panel
Array of two colors used to draw the header.
headerColors — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid
An array of two colors used to draw the header background gradient.
headerColors — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
An array of two colors used to draw the header background gradient.
headerColors — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Colors of the band at the top of the DateChooser control.
headerColumnSeparator — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DataGridSkin
Defines the value of the columnSeparator property for the columnHeaderGroup.
headerDragOutside — Event, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
Dispatched when the user drags a column outside of its column group.
HEADER_DRAG_OUTSIDE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.HEADER_DRAG_OUTSIDE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a headerDragOutside event, which indicates that the user pressed and released the mouse on a column header.
headerDragProxyStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling aspects of the appearance of column when the user is dragging it to another location.
headerDragProxyStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling aspects of the appearance of column when the user is dragging it to another location.
headerDropOutside — Event, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
Dispatched when the user drops a column outside of its column group.
HEADER_DROP_OUTSIDE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.HEADER_DROP_OUTSIDE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a headerDropOutside event.
HeaderEvent — class, package mx.rpc.events
The event that indicates an RPC operation, such as a WebService SOAP request, returned a header in the response.
HeaderEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, header:Object, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Constructor, class mx.rpc.events.HeaderEvent
Creates a new HeaderEvent.
headerFormat — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.Operation
Determines how the SOAP encoded headers are decoded.
headerGroup — Skin Part, class spark.components.MobileGrid
headerGroup — Property, class spark.skins.MobileGridSkin
headerHeight — Style, class mx.containers.Panel
Height of the header.
headerHeight — Style, class mx.containers.Accordion
Height of each accordion header, in pixels.
headerHeight — Style, class mx.core.WindowedApplication
The explicit height of the header.
headerHeight — Style, class mx.core.Window
The explicit height of the header.
headerHeight — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase
The height of the header cell of the column, in pixels.
headerHeight — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase
The height of the header cell of the column, in pixels.
headerHorizontalSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the separators between column headers of different depth in a AdvancedDataGrid control.
headerHorizontalSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the separator between a column group and its children columns/column group headers in an AdvancedDataGrid control.
HEADER_ICON_PART — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
Indicates that the mouse is over the header part of the header.
headerInfoInitialized — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
Contains true if the headerInfos property has been initialized with AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instances.
headerInfos — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase
An Array of AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instances for all columns in the control.
headerItem — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo
A reference to IListItemRenderer instance used to render the column header.
headerItems — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader
An Array of header renderer instances.
headerMask — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase
The header mask.
headerPart — Property, class mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent
If HEADER_RELEASE event, which part of the header was clicked.
headerRelease — Event, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
Dispatched when the user releases the mouse button on a column header to request the control to sort the grid contents based on the contents of the column.
headerRelease — Event, class mx.controls.DataGrid
Dispatched when the user releases the mouse button on a column header to request the control to sort the grid contents based on the contents of the column.
HEADER_RELEASE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.HEADER_RELEASE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a headerRelease event, which indicates that the user pressed and released the mouse on a column header.
HEADER_RELEASE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.DataGridEvent
The DataGridEvent.HEADER_RELEASE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a headerRelease event, which indicates that the user pressed and released the mouse on a column header.
headerRenderer — Property, class mx.containers.Accordion
A factory used to create the navigation buttons for each child.
headerRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase
The header renderer used to display the header rows of the column.
headerRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn
The class factory for item renderer instances that display the column header for the column.
headerRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
The class factory for item renderer instances that display the column header for the column.
headerRenderer — Property, class spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup
The IGridItemRenderer class used to renderer each column header.
headerRenderer — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn
The class factory for the IGridItemRenderer class used as the header for this column.
headerRenderer — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DataGridSkin
Defines the value of the headerRenderer property for the columnHeaderGroup.
headerRendererProviders — Property, class mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid
Array of OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider instances that specify a custom header renderer for the columns of the control.
headerRowCount — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement
Returns the number of header rows in the table
headerRowInfo — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase
An Array of ListRowInfo instances that cache header height and other information for the headers in the headerItems Array.
headers — Property, class mx.messaging.messages.AbstractMessage
The headers of a message are an associative array where the key is the header name and the value is the header value.
headers — Property, interface mx.messaging.messages.IMessage
Provides access to the headers of the message.
headers — Property, class mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent
In certain circumstances, headers may also be returned with a fault to provide further context to the failure.
headers — Property, class mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent
In certain circumstances, headers may also be returned with a result to provide further context.
headers — Property, class mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation
Custom HTTP headers to be sent to the third party endpoint.
headers — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService
Custom HTTP headers to be sent to the third party endpoint.
headers — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService
Custom HTTP headers to be sent to the third party endpoint.
headers — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService
Returns the array of SOAPHeaders registered for the WebService.
headers — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.Operation
Accessor to an Array of SOAPHeaders that are to be sent on each invocation of the operation.
headers — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.SOAPResult
A collection of header objects.
headerSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the separator between column headers in a DataGrid control.
headerSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the separator between column headers in a AdvancedDataGrid control.
headerShift — Event, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
Dispatched when the user releases the mouse button on a column header after having dragged the column to a new location resulting in shifting the column to a new index
headerShift — Event, class mx.controls.DataGrid
Dispatched when the user releases the mouse button on a column header after having dragged the column to a new location resulting in shifting the column to a new index.
HEADER_SHIFT — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.IndexChangedEvent
The IndexChangedEvent.HEADER_SHIFT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a headerShift event, which indicates that a header has changed its index, as when a user drags a DataGrid column to a new position.
headerSortSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
The skin that defines the appearance of the separators between the text and icon parts of a header in a AdvancedDataGrid control.
headerStyleName — Style, class mx.containers.Accordion
Name of the CSS style declaration that specifies styles for the accordion headers (tabs).
headerStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the column headers.
headerStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the column headers.
headerStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the column headers.
headerStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the column headers.
headerStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Name of the style sheet definition to configure the text (month name and year) and appearance of the header area of the control.
headerStyleName — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.MobileGridColumn
Defines the css style name to be used for displaying this column's header label.
headerText — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn
Text for the header of this column.
headerText — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
Text for the header of this column.
headerText — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn
Text for the header of this column.
headerText — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.MobileGridColumn
Defines the text to be displayed in the column's header.
HEADER_TEXT_PART — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
Indicates mouse is over the text part of the header.
headerWordWrap — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase
If true, specifies that text in the header is wrapped if it does not fit on one line.
headerWordWrap — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn
Set to true to wrap the text in the column header if it does not fit on one line.
headerWordWrap — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
A flag that indicates whether text in the header will be word wrapped if it doesn't fit on one line.
headerWordWrap — Property, class mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider
Set to true to wrap the text in the column header.
HEAD_METHOD — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.HTTPRequestMessage
Indicates that the method used for this request should be "head".
HEARTBEAT_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage
Header that indicates the message is a heartbeat.
heartbeatInterval — Property, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet
The number of milliseconds between heartbeats sent to the remote host while this ChannelSet is actively connected but idle.
height — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IVerticalJustificationLine
The height of the line in pixels.
height — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine
The height of the line in pixels.
height — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowTableBlock
The height of the line in pixels.
height — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement
The height of the image.
height — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableBodyElement
height — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableCellElement
Returns the height of the cell.
height — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableColGroupElement
height — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableRowElement
height — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.InsertInlineGraphicOperation
The height of the image.
height — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.ModifyInlineGraphicOperation
The height of the image.
height — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintRow
Number that specifies the height of the ConstraintRow instance, in pixels, in the parent's coordinates.
height — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
height — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListRowInfo
The height of the row including margins.
height — Property, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject
height — Property, interface mx.core.IVisualElement
height — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
Number that specifies the height of the component, in pixels, in the parent's coordinates.
height — Property, class mx.graphics.ImageSnapshot
The image height in pixels.
height — Property, class mx.managers.SystemManager
The height of this object.
height — Property, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager
The height of this object.
height — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
The height of the graphic element.
heightBy — Property, class mx.effects.Resize
Number of pixels by which to modify the height of the component.
heightBy — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.ResizeInstance
Number of pixels by which to modify the height of the component.
heightBy — Property, class spark.effects.Resize
Number of pixels by which to modify the height of the component.
heightBy — Property, class spark.effects.supportClasses.ResizeInstance
Number of pixels by which to modify the height of the component.
heightExcludingOffsets — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder
Height, in pixels excluding the top and bottom offsets, of the central part of the content defined by the ListBase.listContent property.
heightFrom — Property, class mx.effects.Resize
Initial height, in pixels.
heightFrom — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.ResizeInstance
Initial height.
heightFrom — Property, class spark.effects.Resize
Initial height, in pixels.
heightFrom — Property, class spark.effects.supportClasses.ResizeInstance
Initial height, in pixels.
heightInLines — Property, class spark.components.RichEditableText
The default height of the control, measured in lines.
heightInLines — Property, class spark.components.TextArea
The default height of the control, measured in lines.
heightLimit — Property, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer
The maximum amount of space, in pixels, that an axis renderer will take from a chart.
heightLimit — Property, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxisRenderer
The maximum amount of space, in pixels, that an axis renderer will take from a chart.
heightTo — Property, class mx.effects.Resize
Final height, in pixels.
heightTo — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.ResizeInstance
Final height, in pixels.
heightTo — Property, class spark.effects.Resize
Final height of the target, in pixels.
heightTo — Property, class spark.effects.supportClasses.ResizeInstance
Final height of the target, in pixels.
helpCol — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormHeadingSkin
The column containing the form item's help content.
helpCol — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin
The column containing the FormItem's help content.
helpCol — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormHeadingSkin
The column containing the FormItem's help content.
helpCol — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormItemSkin
The column containing the FormItem's help content.
helpContent — Property, class spark.components.FormItem
The set of components to include in the help content area of the FormItem.
helpContentGroup — Skin Part, class spark.components.FormItem
A reference to the Group that contains the FormItem's helpContentGroup.
A reference to the Group that contains the FormItem's helpContentGroup.
helpContentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin
A reference to the Group that contains the FormItem's helpContentGroup.
helpContentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormItemSkin
A reference to the Group that contains the FormItem's helpContentGroup.
HGroup — class, package spark.components
The HGroup container is an instance of the Group container that uses the HorizontalLayout class.
HGroup() — Constructor, class spark.components.HGroup
hiddenFocusStageText — Static Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollableStageText
hide — Event, class mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip
Dispatched when an object's state changes from visible to invisible.
hide — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.InstanceCache
Determines if unneeded instances should be hidden.
hide() — method, class mx.controls.Menu
Hides the Menu control and any of its submenus if the Menu control is visible.
hide — Event, class mx.controls.ProgressBar
Dispatched when an object's state changes from visible to invisible.
hide — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent
Dispatched when an object's state changes from visible to invisible.
HIDE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.FlexEvent
The FlexEvent.HIDE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a hide event.
hideActionBar(animate:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.ViewNavigator
Hides the action bar.
hideChildrenTargets — Property, class mx.effects.Resize
An Array of Panel containers.
hideChildrenTargets — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.ResizeInstance
An Array of Panels.
hideCursor() — Static Method , class mx.managers.CursorManager
Makes the cursor invisible.
hideData() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase
Informs the chart that the underlying data displayed in the chart has been changed.
hideDataEffect — Effect, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series
Defines the effect that Flex uses as it hides the current data from view.
hideDelay — Static Property, class mx.managers.ToolTipManager
The amount of time, in milliseconds, that Flex waits to hide the ToolTip after it appears.
hideDropFeedback(event:mx.events:DragEvent) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase
Hides the drop indicator that indicates that a drag-and-drop operation is allowed.
hideDropFeedback(event:mx.events:DragEvent) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase
Hides the drop indicator under the mouse pointer that indicates that a drag and drop operation is allowed.
hideDropFeedback(event:mx.events:DragEvent) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase
Hides the drop indicator under the mouse pointer that indicates that a drag and drop operation is allowed.
hideDropIndicator() — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
Hides the previously shown drop indicator, created by the showDropIndicator() method, removes it from the display list and also stops the drag scrolling.
hideEffect — Effect, class mx.core.UIComponent
Played when the component becomes invisible.
hideEffect — Static Property, class mx.managers.ToolTipManager
The effect that plays when a ToolTip is hidden, or null if the ToolTip should disappear with no effect.
hideFocus() — method, class mx.managers.FocusManager
Sets showFocusIndicator to false and removes the visual focus indicator from the focused object, if any.
hideFocus() — method, interface mx.managers.IFocusManager
Sets showFocusIndicator to false and removes the visual focus indicator from the focused object, if any.
hideFocusRing — Property, class mx.effects.Effect
Determines whether the effect should hide the focus ring when starting the effect.
hideFocusRing — Property, class mx.effects.EffectInstance
Determines whether the effect should hide the focus ring when starting the effect.
hideFocusRing — Property, interface mx.effects.IEffect
Determines whether the effect should hide the focus ring when starting the effect.
hideFocusRing — Property, interface mx.effects.IEffectInstance
Determines whether the effect should hide the focus ring when starting the effect.
hideFocusRing — Property, class mx.effects.Rotate
Determines whether the effect should hide the focus ring when starting the effect.
HIDE_MODAL_WINDOW_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest
Hides a modal window.
HIDE_MOUSE_CURSOR_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest
Requests that the mouse cursor should be hidden when over this application.
hideObject — Property, class spark.filters.DropShadowFilter
Indicates whether or not the object is hidden.
hideSeparatorInText — Property, class spark.components.MaskedTextInput
use blank character instead of separator character
HideShowEffectTargetFilter — class, package mx.effects.effectClasses
HideShowEffectTargetFilter is a subclass of EffectTargetFilter that handles the logic for filtering targets that have been shown or hidden by modifying their visible property.
HideShowEffectTargetFilter() — Constructor, class mx.effects.effectClasses.HideShowEffectTargetFilter
hideTabBar(animate:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator
Hides the tab bar of the navigator.
hideViewNavigatorPopUp() — method, class spark.components.SplitViewNavigator
Hides the navigator popup if its open.
HIDING_DATA — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartState
The chart is currently running transitions to hide the old chart data.
hierarchicalCollectionView — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
The IHierarchicalCollectionView instance used by the control.
HierarchicalCollectionView — class, package mx.collections
The HierarchicalCollectionView class provides a hierarchical view of a standard collection.
HierarchicalCollectionView(hierarchicalData:mx.collections:IHierarchicalData, argOpenNodes:Object) — Constructor, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView
HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor — class, package mx.collections
The HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor class defines a cursor for a hierarchical view of a standard collection.
HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor(collection:mx.collections:HierarchicalCollectionView, model:mx.collections:ICollectionView, hierarchicalData:mx.collections:IHierarchicalData) — Constructor, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor
HierarchicalData — class, package mx.collections
Hierarchical data is data already in a structure of parent and child data items.
HierarchicalData(value:Object) — Constructor, class mx.collections.HierarchicalData
hierarchies — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPDimension
All the hierarchies for this dimension, as a list of IOLAPHierarchy instances.
hierarchies — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPDimension
All the hierarchies for this dimension, as a list of IOLAPHierarchy instances.
hierarchize(post:Boolean) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPSet
Returns a new IOLAPSet that is hierarchized version of this set.
hierarchize(post:Boolean) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPSet
Returns a new IOLAPSet that is hierarchized version of this set.
hierarchy — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPLevel
The hierarchy of the dimension to which this level belongs.
hierarchy — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPMember
The hierarchy to which this member belongs.
hierarchy — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPLevel
The hierarchy of the dimension to which this level belongs.
hierarchy — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPMember
The hierarchy to which this member belongs.
high — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem
The high value of this item converted into screen coordinates.
HIGH — Constant Static Property, class mx.graphics.BitmapSmoothingQuality
High quality smoothing algorithm is used when scaling.
HIGH — Constant Static Property, class mx.managers.CursorManagerPriority
Constant that specifies the highest cursor priority when passed as the priority argument to setCursor().
highField — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase
Specifies the field of the data provider that determines the y-axis location of the high value of the element.
highFilter — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem
The high value of this item, filtered against the vertical axis of the containing chart.
highlight — Property, class spark.skins.ColorPickerButtonSkin
highlightAlpha — Property, class spark.filters.BevelFilter
The alpha transparency value of the highlight color.
highlightAlphas — Style, class mx.containers.Panel
Alphas used for the highlight fill of the header.
highlightAlphas — Style, class mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar
Alpha transparencies used for the highlight fill of controls.
highlightAlphas — Style, class mx.controls.Button
Alpha transparencies used for the highlight fill of controls.
highlightAlphas — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBox
Alpha transparencies used for the highlight fill of controls.
highlightAlphas — Style, class mx.controls.NumericStepper
Alphas used for the highlight fill of controls.
highlightAlphas — Style, class mx.controls.MenuBar
Alpha transparencies used for the highlight fill of controls.
highlightAlphas — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Alpha transparencies used for the highlight fill of controls.
HighlightBitmapCaptureSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark
Base class for skins that do a bitmap capture of a target components and apply a filter to the bitmap.
HighlightBitmapCaptureSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.HighlightBitmapCaptureSkin
highlightColor — Property, class spark.filters.BevelFilter
The highlight color of the bevel.
highlightColumnIndex — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
The column index of the item that is currently rolled over or under the cursor.
highlightElements — Property, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer
Specifies wheter to highlight chart elements like Series on mouse rollover.
highlightIndicator — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase
The DisplayObject that contains the graphics that indicates which renderer is highlighted.
highlightIndicator — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase
The DisplayObject that contains the graphics that indicates which renderer is highlighted.
highlightItemRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase
The renderer that is currently rolled over or under the caret.
highlightItemRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase
The renderer that is currently rolled over or under the caret.
highlightSelectedColumn — Property, class spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup
The DefaultGridHeaderRenderer only highlights the selected column when selectedColumnIndex is valid and highlightSelectedColumn is true.
highlightStroke — Property, class spark.skins.ColorPickerButtonSkin
highlightUID — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase
The UID of the item that is current rolled over or under the caret.
highlightUID — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase
The UID of the item that is current rolled over or under the caret.
highNumber — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem
The high value of this item, converted to a number by the vertical axis of the containing chart.
highValue — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem
The high value of this item.
hiliteBlockSelection(selObj:flash.display:Shape, selFormat:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionFormat, container:flash.display:DisplayObject, begIdx:int, endIdx:int, prevLine:flashx.textLayout.compose:TextFlowLine, nextLine:flashx.textLayout.compose:TextFlowLine) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowTableBlock
hiliteSelectedNavItem(index:int) — method, class mx.controls.NavBar
Highlights the selected navigator item.
HIRAGANA — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType
Numbering for Hiragana.
HIRAGANA_IROHA — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType
Numbering for Hiragana.
historyBack() — method, class mx.controls.HTML
Navigates back in this control's history list, if possible.
historyForward() — method, class mx.controls.HTML
Navigates forward in this control's history list, if possible.
historyGo(steps:int) — method, class mx.controls.HTML
Navigates the specified number of steps in this control's history list.
historyLength — Property, class mx.controls.HTML
The overall length of the history list, including back and forward entries.
historyManagementEnabled — Property, class mx.containers.Accordion
If set to true, this property enables history management within this Accordion container.
historyManagementEnabled — Property, class mx.containers.ViewStack
If true, enables history management within this ViewStack container.
historyManagementEnabled — Property, class mx.core.Application
If false, the history manager will be disabled.
HistoryManager — class, package mx.managers
History management lets users navigate through a Flex application using the web browser's Back and Forward navigation commands.
historyPosition — Property, class mx.controls.HTML
The current position in the history list.
hitArea — Property, interface mx.core.IContainer
hitAreaAdditions — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownController
A list of display objects to consider part of the hit area of the drop down.
hitData — Property, class mx.charts.events.ChartItemEvent
The first item in the hitSet array.
HitData — class, package mx.charts
The HitData class represents information about the data item at a specific location on the screen.
HitData(id:Number, distance:Number, x:Number, y:Number, chartItem:mx.charts:ChartItem) — Constructor, class mx.charts.HitData
hitSet — Property, class mx.charts.events.ChartItemEvent
A set of HitData structures describing the chart items that triggered the event.
hitTestObject(obj:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
hitTestObject(obj:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject
hitTestPoint(x:Number, y:Number, shapeFlag:Boolean) — method, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
hitTestPoint(x:Number, y:Number, shapeFlag:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject
hitZoneOffset — Property, class spark.skins.android4.HSliderThumbSkin
Distance between the left edge of the hitzone and the left edge of the thumb
hitZoneOffset — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.HSliderThumbSkin
Distance between the left edge of the hitzone and the left edge of the thumb
hitZoneOffset — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.HSliderThumbSkin
Distance between the left edge of the hitzone and the left edge of the thumb
hitZoneSideLength — Property, class spark.skins.android4.HSliderThumbSkin
Length of the sizes of the hitzone (assumed to be square)
hitZoneSideLength — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.HSliderThumbSkin
Length of the sizes of the hitzone (assumed to be square)
hitZoneSideLength — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.HSliderThumbSkin
Length of the sizes of the hitzone (assumed to be square)
hldownstroke1 — Property, class spark.skins.ColorPickerButtonSkin
hldownstroke2 — Property, class spark.skins.ColorPickerButtonSkin
HLOCChart — class, package mx.charts
The HLOCChart (High Low Open Close) control represents financial data as a series of elements representing the high, low, closing, and optionally opening values of a data series.
HLOCChart() — Constructor, class mx.charts.HLOCChart
HLOCItemRenderer — class, package mx.charts.renderers
The default item renderer for an HLOCSeries object.
HLOCItemRenderer() — Constructor, class mx.charts.renderers.HLOCItemRenderer
HLOCSeries — class, package mx.charts.series
Represents financial data as a series of elements representing the high, low, closing, and, optionally, opening values of a data series.
HLOCSeries() — Constructor, class mx.charts.series.HLOCSeries
HLOCSeriesBase — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses
HLOCSeriesBase is the base class for the two financial series types, HLOCSeries and CandlestickSeries.
HLOCSeriesBase() — Constructor, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase
HLOCSeriesItem — class, package mx.charts.series.items
Represents the information required to render an item as part of a HLOCSeries.
HLOCSeriesItem(element:mx.charts.chartClasses:HLOCSeriesBase, data:Object, index:uint) — Constructor, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem
HLOCSeriesRenderData — class, package mx.charts.series.renderData
Represents all the information needed by the HLOCSeries and CandlestickSeries objects to render.
HLOCSeriesRenderData(cache:Array, filteredCache:Array, renderedHalfWidth:Number, renderedXOffset:Number) — Constructor, class mx.charts.series.renderData.HLOCSeriesRenderData
HNoTrackNoThumbScrollBarSkin — class, package spark.skins
The default skin class for the Spark HScrollBar component.
HNoTrackNoThumbScrollBarSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.HNoTrackNoThumbScrollBarSkin
HOME — Constant Static Property, class spark.core.NavigationUnit
Navigate to the origin of the document.
horizontal — Property, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer
true if the axis renderer is being used as a horizontal axis.
horizontal — Property, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxisRenderer
true if the axis renderer is being used as a horizontal axis.
HORIZONTAL — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.events.ScrollEventDirection
The user scrolled horizontally.
HORIZONTAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase
The value of this constant is passed to methods such as getNextItem() and getPrevItem().
HORIZONTAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.containers.BoxDirection
Specifies that children of the Box container are laid out horizontally.
HORIZONTAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.containers.FormItemDirection
Specifies that the children of the FormItem container are laid out horizontally.
HORIZONTAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.containers.TileDirection
Specifies that the children of the Tile container are laid out horizontally; that is, starting with the first row.
HORIZONTAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.TileBaseDirection
Arrange children horizontally.
HORIZONTAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBarDirection
Specifies that a ScrollBar control is for horizontal scrolling.
HORIZONTAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.sliderClasses.SliderDirection
Specifies to display a horizontal slider.
HORIZONTAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.ContainerLayout
Use horizontal layout for the contents of this container.
HORIZONTAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.ScrollEventDirection
The user scrolled horizontally.
HORIZONTAL — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutAxis
Construct all decendants immediately but only inialize those that are visible.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.charts.Legend
Horizontal alignment of each child inside its tile cell.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.containers.TabNavigator
Horizontal positioning of tabs at the top of this TabNavigator container.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.containers.FormItem
Horizontal alignment of children in the container.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.containers.Tile
Horizontal alignment of each child inside its tile cell.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.containers.Box
Horizontal alignment of children in the container.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.containers.GridRow
Horizontal alignment of children in the container.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.containers.Panel
Horizontal alignment of children in the container.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer
Horizontal alignment of the header text.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer
Color of the component if it is disabled.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.controls.TabBar
Horizontal alignment of all tabs within the TabBar.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.controls.SWFLoader
The horizontal alignment of the content when it does not have a one-to-one aspect ratio.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.controls.ButtonBar
Horizontal alignment of all buttons within the ButtonBar.
horizontalAlign — Style, class mx.core.LayoutContainer
Horizontal alignment of children in the container.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.components.HGroup
The horizontal alignment of the content relative to the container's width.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.components.Image
The horizontal alignment of the content when it does not have a one-to-one aspect ratio and scaleMode is set to mx.graphics.BitmapScaleMode.LETTERBOX.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.components.TileGroup
Specifies how to align the elements within the cells in the horizontal direction.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.components.VGroup
The horizontal alignment of layout elements.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.containers.HDividerGroup
The horizontal alignment of layout elements.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.containers.VDividerGroup
The horizontal alignment of layout elements.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.CarouselLayout
The horizontal position of the selected element in the viewport.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.CoverflowLayout
The horizontal position of the selected element in the viewport.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout
The horizontal alignment of the content relative to the container's width.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.StackLayout
The horizontal alignment of layout elements.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.TileLayout
Specifies how to align the elements within the cells in the horizontal direction.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.TimeMachineLayout
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.VerticalLayout
The horizontal alignment of layout elements.
horizontalAlign — Property, class spark.primitives.BitmapImage
The horizontal alignment of the content when it does not have a one-to-one aspect ratio and scaleMode is set to mx.graphics.BitmapScaleMode.LETTERBOX.
HorizontalAlign — final class, package spark.layouts
The HorizontalAlign class defines the possible values for the horizontalAlign property of the VerticalLayout class.
horizontalAlignOffset — Property, class spark.layouts.CarouselLayout
The offset in pixels to be used in conjunction with horizontalAlign to set the horizontal position of the selected element in the viewport.
horizontalAlignOffset — Property, class spark.layouts.CoverflowLayout
The offset in pixels to be used in conjunction with horizontalAlign to set the horizontal position of the selected element in the viewport.
horizontalAlignOffsetPercent — Property, class spark.layouts.CarouselLayout
The offset as a percentage of the unscaled width of the viewport to be used in conjunction with horizontalAlign to set the horizontal position of the selected element in the viewport.
horizontalAlignOffsetPercent — Property, class spark.layouts.CoverflowLayout
The offset as a percentage of the unscaled width of the viewport to be used in conjunction with horizontalAlign to set the horizontal position of the selected element in the viewport.
horizontalAlternateFill — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines
Specifies the fill pattern for alternating horizontal bands not defined by the fill property.
horizontalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the x-axis.
horizontalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the x-axis.
horizontalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the x-axis.
horizontalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the x-axis.
horizontalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.AreaSeries
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the x-axis.
horizontalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the x-axis.
horizontalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the x-axis.
horizontalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the x-axis.
horizontalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.LineSeries
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the x-axis.
horizontalAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.PlotSeries
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position for items on the x-axis.
HORIZONTAL_AXIS — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianTransform
A String representing the horizontal axis.
horizontalAxisRatio — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
Determines the height limit of the horiztonal axis.
horizontalAxisRenderers — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
Specifies how data appears along the x-axis of a chart.
horizontalAxisStyleNames — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
An array of class selectors that define the style properties for horizontal axes.
horizontalCenter — Style, class mx.core.UIComponent
The horizontal distance in pixels from the center of the component's content area to the center of the component.
horizontalCenter — Property, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
The horizontal distance in pixels from the center of the component to the center of the anchor target's content area.
horizontalCenter — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
For components, this layout constraint property is a facade on top of the similarly-named style.
horizontalCenter — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
The horizontal distance in pixels from the center of the component to the center of the anchor target's content area.
horizontalCenter — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
The horizontal distance in pixels from the center of the component to the center of the anchor target's content area.
horizontalChangeCount — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines
Specifies the number of tick marks between horizontal grid lines.
horizontalDisplacement — Property, class spark.layouts.CoverflowLayout
horizontalDisplacement — Property, class spark.layouts.TimeMachineLayout
The amount to offset elements on the horizontal axis depending on their z property.
horizontalDividerCursor — Style, class mx.containers.DividedBox
The cursor skin for a horizontal DividedBox.
HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.factory.TruncationOptions
Defines the truncationIndicator property value, \u2026, that represents a horizontal ellipsis.
horizontalFill — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines
Specifies the fill pattern for every other horizontal band created by the grid lines.
horizontalFocus — Property, class mx.charts.effects.SeriesZoom
Defines the location of the focul point of the zoom.
horizontalFocus — Property, class mx.charts.effects.effectClasses.SeriesZoomInstance
Defines the location of the focul point of the zoom.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.charts.Legend
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.charts.LegendItem
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.containers.dividedBoxClasses.BoxDivider
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.containers.TabNavigator
Separation between tabs, in pixels.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.containers.ViewStack
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.containers.Form
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.containers.FormItem
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.containers.Grid
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.containers.Tile
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.containers.Box
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.containers.Panel
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.containers.Accordion
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer
Gap between the label and icon, in pixels.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.controls.TabBar
Number of pixels between tab navigation items in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.controls.Button
Gap between the label and icon, when the labelPlacement property is set to left or right.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.controls.ButtonBar
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.controls.Menu
Number of pixels between children (icons and label) in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.controls.ProgressBar
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.controls.LinkBar
Number of pixels between the LinkButton controls in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class mx.core.LayoutContainer
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Style, class spark.components.IconItemRenderer
Number of pixels between children in the horizontal direction.
horizontalGap — Property, class spark.components.TileGroup
Horizontal space between columns, in pixels.
horizontalGap — Property, class spark.layouts.TileLayout
Horizontal space between columns, in pixels.
horizontalGap — Property, class spark.layouts.ViewMenuLayout
The horizontal space between columns, in pixels.
horizontalGradientMatrix(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns a box Matrix which can be passed to the drawRoundRect() method as the rot parameter when drawing a horizontal gradient.
horizontalGradientMatrix(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number) — method, class mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin
Utility function to create a horizontal gradient matrix.
horizontalGridLineColor — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid
The color of the horizontal grid lines.
horizontalGridLineColor — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
The color of the horizontal grid lines.
horizontalGridLines — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid
A flag that indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines between the rows.
horizontalGridLines — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
A flag that indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines between the rows.
HorizontalLayout — class, package spark.layouts
The HorizontalLayout class arranges the layout elements in a horizontal sequence, left to right, with optional gaps between the elements and optional padding around the elements.
HorizontalLayout() — Constructor, class spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout
horizontalLineScrollSize — Property, class mx.core.Container
Number of pixels to move when the left- or right-arrow button in the horizontal scroll bar is pressed.
HorizontalList — class, package mx.controls
The HorizontalList control displays a horizontal list of items.
HorizontalList() — Constructor, class mx.controls.HorizontalList
horizontalLockedSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the separator between the locked and unlocked rows in a DataGrid control.
horizontalLockedSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the separator between the locked and unlocked rows in a AdvancedDataGrid control.
horizontalOffset — Property, class spark.layouts.TimeMachineLayout
horizontalOriginStroke — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines
Specifies the line style for the horizontal origin.
horizontalPageScrollSize — Property, class mx.core.Container
Number of pixels to move when the track in the horizontal scroll bar is pressed.
horizontalPosition — Property, class spark.components.Callout
Horizontal position of the callout relative to the owner.
horizontalPosition — Property, class spark.components.CalloutButton
Horizontal position of the callout relative to the owner.
horizontalScrollBar — Skin Part, class spark.components.Scroller
A skin part that defines the horizontal scroll bar. This property should be considered read-only. It is only set by the Scroller's skin. This property is Bindable.
A skin part that defines the horizontal scroll bar.
horizontalScrollBar — Property, class mx.core.Container
The horizontal scrollbar used in this container.
horizontalScrollBar — Property, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase
The horizontal scroll bar.
horizontalScrollBar — Property, class spark.skins.InlineScrollerSkin
A horizontal scrollbar that lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit horizontally in a display area.
horizontalScrollBarFactory — Skin Part, class spark.components.Scroller
A skin part that defines the horizontal scroll bar component. The horizontalScrollBar skin part takes precedence over this skin part. When Scroller creates an instance of this part, it will set the horizontalScrollBar skin part to that instance. This property should be considered read-only. It is only set by the Scroller's skin. To access the HScrollBar instance, use horizontalScrollBar.
A skin part that defines the horizontal scroll bar component.
horizontalScrollBarFactory — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ScrollerSkin
A horizontal scrollbar that lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit horizontally in a display area.
horizontalScrollBarStyleName — Style, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase
Style name for horizontal scrollbar.
horizontalScrollBarStyleName — Style, class mx.core.Container
The name of the horizontal scrollbar style.
horizontalScrollPolicy — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController
Specifies the horizontal scrolling policy, which you can set by assigning one of the constants of the ScrollPolicy class: ON, OFF, or AUTO.
horizontalScrollPolicy — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
horizontalScrollPolicy — Property, class flashx.textLayout.factory.TextLineFactoryBase
Specifies how lines are created when the composition bounds are not large enough.
horizontalScrollPolicy — Style, class spark.components.TextArea
Indicates under what conditions the horizontal scroll bar is displayed.
horizontalScrollPolicy — Style, class spark.components.List
Indicates under what conditions the horizontal scroll bar is displayed.
horizontalScrollPolicy — Style, class spark.components.Scroller
Indicates under what conditions the horizontal scroll bar is displayed.
horizontalScrollPolicy — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid
Indicates the conditions for which the horizontal scroll bar is displayed.
horizontalScrollPolicy — Property, class mx.controls.TextArea
Specifies whether the horizontal scroll bar is always on (ScrollPolicy.ON), always off (ScrollPolicy.OFF), or turns on when needed (ScrollPolicy.AUTO).
horizontalScrollPolicy — Property, class mx.core.Container
Specifies whether the horizontal scroll bar is always present, always absent, or automatically added when needed.
horizontalScrollPolicy — Property, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase
A property that indicates whether the horizontal scroll bar is always on, always off, or automatically changes based on the parameters passed to the setScrollBarProperties() method.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController
Specifies the current horizontal scroll location on the stage.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Specifies the current horizontal scroll location on the stage.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class mx.charts.Legend
The current position of the horizontal scroll bar.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
The offset into the content from the left edge.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class mx.controls.DataGrid
The offset into the content from the left edge.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class mx.controls.MXFTETextInput
Pixel position in the content area of the leftmost pixel that is currently displayed.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class mx.controls.TextArea
Pixel position in the content area of the leftmost pixel that is currently displayed.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class mx.controls.TextInput
Pixel position in the content area of the leftmost pixel that is currently displayed.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class mx.core.Container
The current position of the horizontal scroll bar.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, interface mx.core.IContainer
The current position of the horizontal scroll bar.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, interface mx.core.ITextInput
Pixel position in the content area of the leftmost pixel that is currently displayed.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase
The offset into the content from the left edge.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class spark.components.Grid
The x coordinate of the origin of the viewport in the component's coordinate system, where the default value is (0,0) corresponding to the upper-left corner of the component.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class spark.components.RichEditableText
The number of pixels by which the text is scrolled horizontally.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase
The x coordinate of the origin of the viewport in the component's coordinate system, where the default value is (0,0) corresponding to the upper-left corner of the component.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField
The horizontal scroll position of the text.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, interface spark.core.IEditableText
The horizontal scroll position of the text.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, interface spark.core.IViewport
The x coordinate of the origin of the viewport in the component's coordinate system, where the default value is (0,0) corresponding to the upper-left corner of the component.
horizontalScrollPosition — Property, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
The x coordinate of the origin of the viewport in the component's coordinate system, where the default value is (0,0) corresponding to the upper-left corner of the component.
horizontalSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the separator between rows in a DataGrid control.
horizontalSeparatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
The class to use as the skin that defines the appearance of the separator between rows in a AdvancedDataGrid control.
horizontalShowOrigin — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines
Determines whether to draw the horizontal origin.
horizontalStroke — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines
Specifies the line style for horizontal grid lines.
horizontalTickAligned — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines
Determines whether to align horizontal grid lines with tick marks.
host — Property, class spark.components.mediaClasses.DynamicStreamingVideoSource
The URI of the location of the video server.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.AccordionSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.AlertSkin
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ArrowDownToggleButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ArrowRightToggleButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.BorderDataNavigatorSkin
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ColorPickerButtonSkin
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ColorPickerSkin
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.DataAccordionSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.DataNavigatorSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.HNoTrackNoThumbScrollBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.InlineScrollerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.MenuBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.MenuSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.MobileGridSkin
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ProgressBarSkin
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.RichTextEditorSkin
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.VNoTrackNoThumbScrollBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.ActionBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.BusyIndicatorSkin
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.ButtonBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.CalloutSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.HScrollBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.HScrollBarThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.HSliderSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.HSliderThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.HSliderTrackSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.SpinnerListContainerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.SpinnerListScrollerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.SpinnerListSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.StageTextAreaSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.StageTextInputSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.TextAreaSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.TextInputSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.ToggleSwitchSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.VScrollBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.VScrollBarThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.android4.ViewMenuSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.ActionBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.BusyIndicatorSkin
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.ButtonBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.CalloutSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.HScrollBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.HScrollBarThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.HSliderSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.HSliderThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.HSliderTrackSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.SpinnerListContainerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.SpinnerListScrollerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.SpinnerListSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.StageTextAreaSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.StageTextInputSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.TextAreaSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.TextInputSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.ToggleSwitchSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.VScrollBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.VScrollBarThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.ViewMenuSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ActionBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.BusyIndicatorSkin
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ButtonBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.CalloutSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.DateSpinnerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.HScrollBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.HScrollBarThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.HSliderSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.HSliderThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.HSliderTrackSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ImageSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ListSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.SkinnableContainerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.SpinnerListContainerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.SpinnerListScrollerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.SpinnerListSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.SplitViewNavigatorSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.StageTextAreaSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.StageTextInputSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.TabbedViewNavigatorApplicationSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.TabbedViewNavigatorSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.TextAreaSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.TextInputSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ToggleSwitchSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.VScrollBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.VScrollBarThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ViewMenuSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ViewNavigatorApplicationSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.ViewNavigatorSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.ButtonSkinBase
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.richTextEditorClasses.AlignToolSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ApplicationSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.BorderContainerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.BusyIndicatorSkin
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ButtonBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.CalloutSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.CheckBoxSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ComboBoxButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ComboBoxSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ComboBoxTextInputSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DataGridSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DropDownListButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DropDownListSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormHeadingSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.HScrollBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.HScrollBarThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.HScrollBarTrackSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.HSliderSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.HSliderThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.HSliderTrackSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ImageLoadingSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ImageSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ListSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.NumericStepperDecrementButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.NumericStepperIncrementButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.NumericStepperSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.NumericStepperTextInputSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.PanelSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.RadioButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ScrollBarDownButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ScrollBarLeftButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ScrollBarRightButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ScrollBarUpButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ScrollerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.SkinnableContainerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.SkinnableDataContainerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.SkinnablePopUpContainerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.SpinnerDecrementButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.SpinnerIncrementButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.SpinnerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormHeadingSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormItemSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.TabBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.TextAreaSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.TextInputSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.TitleWindowCloseButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.TitleWindowSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.VScrollBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.VScrollBarThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.VScrollBarTrackSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.VSliderSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.VSliderThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.VSliderTrackSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.VideoPlayerSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.WindowedApplicationSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.FullScreenButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.MuteButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.PlayPauseButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.ScrubBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.ScrubBarThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.ScrubBarTrackSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.VolumeBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.VolumeBarThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen.VolumeBarTrackSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.FullScreenButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.MuteButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.PlayPauseButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.ScrubBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.ScrubBarThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.ScrubBarTrackSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.VolumeBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.VolumeBarThumbSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal.VolumeBarTrackSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.CloseButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.GripperSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.MacCloseButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.MacMaximizeButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.MacMinimizeButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.MacTitleBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.MaximizeButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.MinimizeButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.RestoreButtonSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostComponent — Property, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.TitleBarSkin
A strongly typed property that references the component to which this skin is applied.
hostFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Sets the format when display just a string.
hostFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow
The TextLayoutFormat object for this TextFlow object.
HOUR_ITEM — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.DateSpinner
Specifies to the createDateItemList() method that the list is for showing hours.
hourList — Property, class spark.components.DateSpinner
The SpinnerList that shows the hour field of the date.
hover — Event, class spark.components.ColorPicker
Dispatched when a color is hovered.
HOVER — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkState
Value for the hover state, which occurs when you drag the mouse over a link.
HOVER — Constant Static Property, class spark.events.ColorChangeEvent
hoverColumnIndex — Property, class spark.components.Grid
If showHoverIndicator is true, Specifies column index of the hoverIndicator.
hoverColumnIndex — Property, class spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup
Specifies the column index of the header renderer currently being hovered over by the user.
hovered — Property, class spark.components.LabelItemRenderer
Set to true when the user is hovered over the item renderer.
hovered — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer
Contains true if the item renderer is under the mouse and the Grid's selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, or if the mouse is within the row the item renderer belongs to and the Grid's selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS.
hovered — Property, interface spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemRenderer
Contains true if the item renderer is under the mouse and the Grid's selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, or if the mouse is within the row the item renderer belongs to and the Grid's selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS.
hovered — Property, class spark.components.itemRenderers.MenuCoreItemRenderer
Handles hovering.
hovered — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase
Indicates whether the mouse pointer is over the button.
hovered — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer
Set to true when the user is hovered over the item renderer.
hovered — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer
Set to true when the mouse is hovered over the item renderer.
hovered — Property, class spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer
Set to true when the mouse is hovered over the item renderer.
hoverIndicator — Skin Part, class spark.components.DataGrid
The IVisualElement class used to provide hover feedback.
The IVisualElement class used to provide hover feedback.
hoverIndicator — Property, class spark.components.Grid
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS.
hoverRowIndex — Property, class spark.components.Grid
If showHoverIndicator is true, specifies the column index of the hoverIndicator.
href — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement
The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) associated with the LinkElement object.
href — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyLinkOperation
The URI to be associated with the link.
HRule — class, package mx.controls
The HRule control creates a single horizontal line.
HRule() — Constructor, class mx.controls.HRule
HSBColor — final class, package mx.utils
This class holds information for a color represented in HSB (Hue, Saturation, and Brightness) space.
HSBColor(hue:Number, saturation:Number, brightness:Number) — Constructor, class mx.utils.HSBColor
Constructs an HSBColor with optional parameters.
HSBInterpolator — class, package spark.effects.interpolation
The HSBInterpolator class provides Hue, Saturation, and Brightness (HSB) color interpolation between RGB uint start and end values.
HSBInterpolator(startRGB:uint, endRGB:uint) — Constructor, class spark.effects.interpolation.HSBInterpolator
HScrollBar — class, package mx.controls
The HScrollBar (horizontal ScrollBar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit in a display area.
HScrollBar — class, package spark.components
The HScrollBar (horizontal scrollbar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit horizontally in a display area.
HScrollBar() — Constructor, class mx.controls.HScrollBar
HScrollBar() — Constructor, class spark.components.HScrollBar
HScrollBarSkin — class, package spark.skins.android4
ActionScript-based skin for HScrollBar components in mobile applications.
HScrollBarSkin — class, package spark.skins.ios7
ActionScript-based skin for HScrollBar components in mobile applications.
HScrollBarSkin — class, package spark.skins.mobile
ActionScript-based skin for HScrollBar components in mobile applications.
HScrollBarSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark
The default skin class for the Spark HScrollBar component.
HScrollBarSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.android4.HScrollBarSkin
HScrollBarSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.ios7.HScrollBarSkin
HScrollBarSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.mobile.HScrollBarSkin
HScrollBarSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.HScrollBarSkin
HScrollBarThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.android4
ActionScript-based skin for the HScrollBar thumb skin part in mobile applications.
HScrollBarThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.ios7
ActionScript-based skin for the HScrollBar thumb skin part in mobile applications.
HScrollBarThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.mobile
ActionScript-based skin for the HScrollBar thumb skin part in mobile applications.
HScrollBarThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark
The default skin class for the thumb of a Spark HScrollBar component.
HScrollBarThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.android4.HScrollBarThumbSkin
HScrollBarThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.ios7.HScrollBarThumbSkin
HScrollBarThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.mobile.HScrollBarThumbSkin
HScrollBarThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.HScrollBarThumbSkin
HScrollBarTrackSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark
The default skin class for the track on a Spark HScrollBar component.
HScrollBarTrackSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.HScrollBarTrackSkin
HSIDES — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TableFrame
The top and bottom sides only.
HSlider — class, package mx.controls
The HSlider control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track.
HSlider — class, package spark.components
The HSlider (horizontal slider) control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track.
HSlider() — Constructor, class mx.controls.HSlider
HSlider() — Constructor, class spark.components.HSlider
HSliderDataTip — class, package spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses
HSlider dataTip component for HSlider in mobile applications.
HSliderDataTip() — Constructor, class spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.HSliderDataTip
HSliderSkin — class, package spark.skins.android4
Android 4.x specific ActionScript-based skin for HSlider controls in mobile applications.
HSliderSkin — class, package spark.skins.ios7
Android 4.x specific ActionScript-based skin for HSlider controls in mobile applications.
HSliderSkin — class, package spark.skins.mobile
ActionScript-based skin for HSlider controls in mobile applications.
HSliderSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark
The default skin class for the Spark HSlider component.
HSliderSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.android4.HSliderSkin
HSliderSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.ios7.HSliderSkin
HSliderSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.mobile.HSliderSkin
HSliderSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.HSliderSkin
HSliderThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.android4
Android 4.x specific ActionScript-based skin for the HSlider thumb skin part in mobile applications.
HSliderThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.ios7
Android 4.x specific ActionScript-based skin for the HSlider thumb skin part in mobile applications.
HSliderThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.mobile
ActionScript-based skin for the HSlider thumb skin part in mobile applications.
HSliderThumbSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark
The default skin class for the thumb of a Spark HSlider component.
HSliderThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.android4.HSliderThumbSkin
HSliderThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.ios7.HSliderThumbSkin
HSliderThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.mobile.HSliderThumbSkin
HSliderThumbSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.HSliderThumbSkin
HSliderTrackSkin — class, package spark.skins.android4
ActionScript-based skin for the HSlider track skin part in mobile applications.
HSliderTrackSkin — class, package spark.skins.ios7
ActionScript-based skin for the HSlider track skin part in mobile applications.
HSliderTrackSkin — class, package spark.skins.mobile
ActionScript-based skin for the HSlider track skin part in mobile applications.
HSliderTrackSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark
The default skin class for the track of a Spark HSlider component.
HSliderTrackSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.android4.HSliderTrackSkin
HSliderTrackSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.ios7.HSliderTrackSkin
HSliderTrackSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.mobile.HSliderTrackSkin
HSliderTrackSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.HSliderTrackSkin
HTML — class, package mx.controls
The HTML control lets you display HTML content in your application.
HTML() — Constructor, class mx.controls.HTML
htmlDOMInitialize — Event, class mx.controls.HTML
Dispatched after the HTML DOM has been initialized in response to a loading operation caused by setting the location or htmlText property.
htmlHost — Property, class mx.controls.HTML
The HTMLHost object is used to handle changes to certain user interface elements in the HTML content, such as the window.document.title property.
htmlLoader — Property, class mx.controls.HTML
The internal HTMLLoader object that renders the HTML content for this control.
htmlLoaderFactory — Property, class mx.controls.HTML
The IFactory that creates an HTMLLoader-derived instance to use as the htmlLoader.
htmlRender — Event, class mx.controls.HTML
Dispatched when this control's HTML content initially renders, and each time that it re-renders.
htmlText — Property, class mx.controls.HTML
Specifies an HTML-formatted String for display by the control.
htmlText — Property, class mx.controls.Label
Specifies the text displayed by the Label control, including HTML markup that expresses the styles of that text.
htmlText — Property, class mx.controls.RichTextEditor
Text containing HTML markup that displays in the RichTextEditor control's TextArea subcontrol.
htmlText — Property, class mx.controls.TextArea
Specifies the text displayed by the TextArea control, including HTML markup that expresses the styles of that text.
htmlText — Property, class mx.controls.TextInput
Specifies the text displayed by the TextInput control, including HTML markup that expresses the styles of that text.
htmlText — Property, class mx.controls.textClasses.TextRange
Contents of the range in the form of HTML text.
htmlText — Property, class mx.core.FTETextField
htmlText — Property, interface mx.core.IUITextField
htmlText — Property, class spark.components.RichTextEditor
The htmlText property is here for convenience.
HTTPChannel — class, package mx.messaging.channels
The HTTPChannel class provides the HTTP support for messaging.
HTTPChannel(id:String, uri:String) — Constructor, class mx.messaging.channels.HTTPChannel
httpHeaders — Property, class mx.messaging.messages.HTTPRequestMessage
Contains specific HTTP headers that should be placed on the request made to the destination.
httpHeaders — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService
Custom HTTP headers to be sent to the SOAP endpoint.
httpHeaders — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.Operation
Custom HTTP headers to be sent to the SOAP endpoint.
HTTPMultiService — Dynamic Class, package mx.rpc.http
You use the <mx:HTTPMultiService> tag to represent a collection of http operations.
HTTPMultiService — Dynamic Class, package mx.rpc.http.mxml
You use the <mx:HTTPMultiService> tag to represent an HTTPMultiService object in an MXML file.
HTTPMultiService(baseURL:String, destination:String) — Constructor, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService
Creates a new HTTPService.
HTTPMultiService(rootURL:String, destination:String) — Constructor, class mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPMultiService
Creates a new HTTPMultiService.
HTTPRequestMessage — class, package mx.messaging.messages
HTTP requests are sent to the HTTP endpoint using this message type.
HTTPRequestMessage() — Constructor, class mx.messaging.messages.HTTPRequestMessage
Constructs an uninitialized HTTP request.
HTTPService — class, package mx.rpc.http
You use the HTTPService class to represent an HTTPService object in ActionScript.
HTTPService — class, package mx.rpc.http.mxml
You use the <mx:HTTPService> tag to represent an HTTPService object in an MXML file.
HTTPService(rootURL:String, destination:String) — Constructor, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService
Creates a new HTTPService.
HTTPService(rootURL:String, destination:String) — Constructor, class mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService
Creates a new HTTPService.
httpStatus — Event, class mx.controls.SWFLoader
Dispatched when a network request is made over HTTP and Flash Player or AIR can detect the HTTP status code.
httpStatus — Event, class spark.components.Image
Dispatched when a network request is made over HTTP and Flash Player or AIR can detect the HTTP status code.
httpStatus — Event, class spark.core.ContentRequest
Dispatched when a network request is made over HTTP and Flash Player or AIR can detect the HTTP status code.
httpStatus — Event, class spark.primitives.BitmapImage
Dispatched when a network request is made over HTTP and Flash Player or AIR can detect the HTTP status code.
hue — Property, class mx.utils.HSBColor
The hue value for the HSB color.
HueShader — class, package mx.graphics.shaderClasses
Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Hue' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools.
HueShader() — Constructor, class mx.graphics.shaderClasses.HueShader
HYPHEN — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType
A dash mark.
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