Classpublic class AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo
InheritanceAdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo Inheritance Object

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo class contains information that describes the hierarchy of the columns of the AdvancedDataGrid control.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  actualColNum : int
The actual column index at which the header starts, relative to the currently displayed columns.
  children : Array
An Array of all of the child AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instances of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance, if this column is part of a column group.
  column : AdvancedDataGridColumn
A reference to the AdvancedDataGridColumn instance corresponding to this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance.
  columnSpan : int
Number of actual columns spanned by the column header when using column groups.
  depth : int
The depth of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance in the columns hierarchy of the AdvancedDataGrid control, if this column is part of a column group.
  headerItem : IListItemRenderer
A reference to IListItemRenderer instance used to render the column header.
  index : int
The index of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance in the AdvancedDataGrid control.
  internalLabelFunction : Function
A function that gets created if the column grouping requires extracting data from nested objects.
  parent : AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo
The parent AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance if this column is part of a column group.
  visible : Boolean
Contains true if the column is currently visible.
  visibleChildren : Array
An Array of the currently visible child AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instances.
  visibleIndex : int
The index of this column in the list of visible children of its parent AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance, if this column is part of a column group.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo(column:AdvancedDataGridColumn, parent:AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo, index:int, depth:int, children:Array = null, internalLabelFunction:Function = null, headerItem:IListItemRenderer = null)
Property Detail
public var actualColNum:int

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The actual column index at which the header starts, relative to the currently displayed columns.

public var children:Array

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

An Array of all of the child AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instances of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance, if this column is part of a column group.

public var column:AdvancedDataGridColumn

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

A reference to the AdvancedDataGridColumn instance corresponding to this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance.

public var columnSpan:int

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Number of actual columns spanned by the column header when using column groups.

public var depth:int

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The depth of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance in the columns hierarchy of the AdvancedDataGrid control, if this column is part of a column group.

public var headerItem:IListItemRenderer

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

A reference to IListItemRenderer instance used to render the column header.

public var index:int

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The index of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance in the AdvancedDataGrid control.

public var internalLabelFunction:Function

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

A function that gets created if the column grouping requires extracting data from nested objects.

For example, if each data row appears as:

row = {.., .., Q1: { y2005: 241, y2006:353}};

and you define a column group as:

     <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup dataField="Q1">
        <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="y2005">
        <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="y2006">

The function for the column corresponding to y2005 is defined as:

     function foo():String
        return row["Q1"]["2005"];

The function also handles the case when any of the column or column groups uses a label function instead of a data field.

public var parent:AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The parent AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance if this column is part of a column group.

The default value is null.

public var visible:Boolean

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

Contains true if the column is currently visible.

public var visibleChildren:Array

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

An Array of the currently visible child AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instances. if this column is part of a column group.

public var visibleIndex:int

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The index of this column in the list of visible children of its parent AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance, if this column is part of a column group.

Constructor Detail
public function AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo(column:AdvancedDataGridColumn, parent:AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo, index:int, depth:int, children:Array = null, internalLabelFunction:Function = null, headerItem:IListItemRenderer = null)

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Product Version : Flex 3
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1


column:AdvancedDataGridColumn — A reference to the AdvancedDataGridColumn instance that this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance corresponds to.
parent:AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo — The parent AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance.
index:int — The index of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance in the AdvancedDataGrid control.
depth:int — The depth of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance in the columns hierarchy of the AdvancedDataGrid control.
children:Array (default = null) — An Array of all of the child AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instances of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance.
internalLabelFunction:Function (default = null) — A function that gets created if the column grouping requires extracting data from nested objects.
headerItem:IListItemRenderer (default = null) — A reference to IListItemRenderer instance used to render the column header.