A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
ease(fraction:Number) — method, class spark.effects.easing.Bounce
Takes the fraction representing the elapsed duration of an animation (a value between 0.0 to 1.0) and returns a new elapsed value.
ease(fraction:Number) — method, class spark.effects.easing.EaseInOutBase
Takes the fraction representing the elapsed duration of an animation (a value between 0.0 to 1.0) and returns a new elapsed value.
ease(fraction:Number) — method, class spark.effects.easing.Elastic
Takes the fraction representing the elapsed duration of an animation (a value between 0.0 to 1.0) and returns a new elapsed value.
ease(fraction:Number) — method, interface spark.effects.easing.IEaser
Takes the fraction representing the elapsed duration of an animation (a value between 0.0 to 1.0) and returns a new elapsed value.
ease(fraction:Number) — method, class spark.effects.easing.Linear
Calculates the eased fraction value based on the easeInFraction and easeOutFraction properties.
easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, s:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Back
The easeIn() method starts the motion by backtracking, then reversing direction and moving toward the target.
easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Bounce
The easeIn() method starts the bounce motion slowly, and then accelerates motion as it executes.
easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Circular
The easeIn() method starts motion slowly, and then accelerates motion as it executes.
easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Cubic
The easeIn() method starts motion from zero velocity, and then accelerates motion as it executes.
easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, a:Number, p:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Elastic
The easeIn() method starts motion slowly, and then accelerates motion as it executes.
easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Exponential
The easeIn() method starts motion slowly, and then accelerates motion as it executes.
easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Linear
The easeIn() method starts motion from zero velocity, and then accelerates motion as it executes.
easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Quadratic
The easeIn() method starts motion from a zero velocity, and then accelerates motion as it executes.
easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Quartic
The easeIn() method starts motion from a zero velocity, and then accelerates motion as it executes.
easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Quintic
The easeIn() method starts motion from zero velocity, and then accelerates motion as it executes.
easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Sine
The easeIn() method starts motion from zero velocity, and then accelerates motion as it executes.
easeIn(fraction:Number) — method, class spark.effects.easing.EaseInOutBase
Returns a value that represents the eased fraction during the ease in phase of the animation.
easeInFraction — Property, class spark.effects.easing.EaseInOutBase
The percentage of an animation that should be spent accelerating.
easeInFraction — Property, class spark.effects.easing.Linear
The fraction an animation spent accelerating, between 0.0 and 1.0.
easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, s:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Back
The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the motion by backtracking, then reversing direction and moving toward target, overshooting target slightly, reversing direction again, and then moving back toward the target.
easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Bounce
The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the bounce motion slowly, accelerate motion, then decelerate.
easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Circular
The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the motion slowly, accelerate motion, then decelerate.
easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Cubic
The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the motion from zero velocity, accelerates motion, then decelerates back to a zero velocity.
easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, a:Number, p:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Elastic
The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the motion slowly, accelerate motion, then decelerate.
easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Exponential
The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the motion slowly, accelerate motion, then decelerate.
easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Linear
The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the motion from zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate back to zero velocity.
easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Quadratic
The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity.
easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Quartic
The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity.
easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Quintic
The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity.
easeInOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Sine
The easeInOut() method combines the motion of the easeIn() and easeOut() methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity.
EaseInOutBase — class, package spark.effects.easing
The EaseInOutBase class is the base class that provide easing capability.
EaseInOutBase(easeInFraction:Number) — Constructor, class spark.effects.easing.EaseInOutBase
easeNone(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Linear
The easeNone() method defines a constant motion, with no acceleration.
easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, s:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Back
The easeOut() method starts the motion by moving towards the target, overshooting it slightly, and then reversing direction back toward the target.
easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Bounce
The easeOut() method starts the bounce motion fast, and then decelerates motion as it executes.
easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Circular
The easeOut() method starts motion fast, and then decelerates motion as it executes.
easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Cubic
The easeOut() method starts motion fast, and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes.
easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, a:Number, p:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Elastic
The easeOut() method starts motion fast, and then decelerates motion as it executes.
easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Exponential
The easeOut() method starts motion fast, and then decelerates motion as it executes.
easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Linear
The easeOut() method starts motion fast, and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes.
easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Quadratic
The easeOut() method starts motion fast, and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes.
easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Quartic
The easeOut() method starts motion fast, and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity.
easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Quintic
The easeOut() method starts motion fast, and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes.
easeOut(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Static Method , class mx.effects.easing.Sine
The easeOut() method starts motion fast, and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes.
easeOut(fraction:Number) — method, class spark.effects.easing.EaseInOutBase
Returns a value that represents the eased fraction during the ease out phase of the animation.
easeOutFraction — Property, class spark.effects.easing.Linear
The percentage an animation will spend decelerating, between 0.0 and 1.0.
easer — Property, class spark.components.DataAccordion
easer — Property, class spark.containers.Accordion
easer — Property, class spark.effects.Animate
The easing behavior for this effect.
easer — Property, class spark.effects.animation.Animation
The easing behavior for this effect.
easer — Property, class spark.effects.animation.Keyframe
The easing behavior applied to the motion between the previous Keyframe object in motion path and this Keyframe object.
easer — Property, class spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateInstance
The easing behavior for this effect.
easer — Property, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.AnimationNavigatorLayoutBase
The easing behavior for this effect.
easer — Property, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase
The easing behavior for this transition.
EasingFraction — final class, package spark.effects.easing
The EasingFraction class defines constants for the easeInFraction property of the EaseInOutBase class.
easingFunction — Property, class mx.effects.Tween
Sets the easing function for the animation.
easingFunction — Property, class mx.effects.TweenEffect
The easing function for the animation.
easingFunction — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.TweenEffectInstance
The easing function for the animation.
EAST_ASIAN — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.JustificationRule
Specifies East Asian justification rules.
EdgeMetrics — class, package mx.core
The EdgeMetrics class specifies the thickness, in pixels, of the four edge regions around a visual component.
EdgeMetrics(left:Number, top:Number, right:Number, bottom:Number) — Constructor, class mx.core.EdgeMetrics
editable — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
Indicates whether or not the user can edit items in the data provider.
editable — Property, class mx.controls.ComboBase
A flag that indicates whether the control is editable, which lets the user directly type entries that are not specified in the dataProvider, or not editable, which requires the user select from the items in the dataProvider.
editable — Property, class mx.controls.DataGrid
A flag that indicates whether or not the user can edit items in the data provider.
editable — Property, class mx.controls.List
A flag that indicates whether or not the user can edit items in the data provider.
editable — Property, class mx.controls.TextArea
Indicates whether the user is allowed to edit the text in this control.
editable — Property, class mx.controls.TextInput
Indicates whether the user is allowed to edit the text in this control.
editable — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn
A flag that indicates whether the items in the column are editable.
editable — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
A flag that indicates whether the items in the column are editable.
editable — Property, interface mx.core.ITextInput
Indicates whether the user is allowed to edit the text in this control.
editable — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid
A flag which enables editing the data items in the DataGrid.
editable — Property, class spark.components.RichEditableText
A flag indicating whether the user is allowed to edit the text in this control.
editable — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn
Indicates whether the items in the column are editable.
_editable — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollableStageText
Storage for the editable property.
editable — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollableStageText
Flag that indicates whether the text in the field is editable.
editable — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase
Specifies whether the text is editable.
editable — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText
Flag that indicates whether the text in the field is editable.
editable — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField
Specifies whether the text is editable, true, or not, false.
editable — Property, interface spark.core.IEditableText
Flag that indicates whether the text is editable.
EditableComboBoxSkin — class, package mx.skins.spark
The Spark skin class for the editable MX ComboBox component.
EditableComboBoxSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.spark.EditableComboBoxSkin
editableDisabledSkin — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBase
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when the control is disabled, and the editable property is true.
editableDownSkin — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBase
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when the user holds down the mouse button, and the editable property is true.
editableOverSkin — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBase
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when the mouse is over the control, and the editable property is true.
editableSkin — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBase
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when the editable property is true.
editableUpSkin — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBase
Name of the class to use as the skin for the background and border when the mouse is not over the control, and the editable property is true.
editedItemPosition — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
The column and row index of the item renderer for the data provider item being edited, if any.
editedItemPosition — Property, class mx.controls.DataGrid
The column and row index of the item renderer for the data provider item being edited, if any.
editedItemPosition — Property, class mx.controls.List
The column and row index of the item renderer for the data provider item being edited, if any.
editedItemPosition — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.DataGridEditor
The column and row index of the item renderer for the data provider item being edited, if any.
editedItemRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
A reference to the item renderer in the AdvancedDataGrid control whose item is currently being edited.
editedItemRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.DataGrid
A reference to the item renderer in the DataGrid control whose item is currently being edited.
editedItemRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.List
A reference to the item renderer in the DataGrid control whose item is currently being edited.
editedItemRenderer — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.DataGridEditor
A reference to the item renderer in the DataGrid control whose item is currently being edited.
editHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController
Processes an edit event (CUT, COPY, PASTE, SELECT_ALL) when the client manages events.
editHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Processes an edit event (CUT, COPY, PASTE, SELECT_ALL) when the client manages events.
editHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IInteractionEventHandler
Processes an edit event.
editHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager
Processes an edit event.
editingMode — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Editing mode of this TextContainerManager.
editingMode — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager
The editing mode.
editingMode — Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager
The editing mode.
EditingMode — final class, package flashx.textLayout.edit
The EditingMode class defines constants used with EditManager class to represent the read, select, and edit permissions of a document.
EditManager — class, package flashx.textLayout.edit
The EditManager class manages editing changes to a TextFlow.
EditManager(undoManager:flashx.undo:IUndoManager) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager
Creates an EditManager object.
editor — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.MXAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer
The ID of the component that receives focus as the item editor.
editor — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.MXItemRenderer
If supplied, the component that will receive focus as the editor.
editorActivationMouseEvent — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid
The type of mouse event that starts an editor session.
editorActivationMouseEvent — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn
The type of mouse event that starts an editor session.
editorColumnIndex — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid
The zero-based column index of the cell that is being edited.
editorColumnIndex — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.DataGridEditor
The zero-based column index of the cell that is being edited.
editorDataField — Property, class mx.controls.List
The name of the property of the item editor that contains the new data for the list item.
editorDataField — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn
The name of the property of the item editor that contains the new data for the list item.
editorDataField — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
The name of the property of the item editor that contains the new data for the list item.
editorHeightOffset — Property, class mx.controls.List
The height of the item editor, in pixels, relative to the size of the item renderer.
editorHeightOffset — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn
The height of the item editor, in pixels, relative to the size of the item renderer.
editorHeightOffset — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
The height of the item editor, in pixels, relative to the size of the item renderer.
editorIndicator — Skin Part, class spark.components.DataGrid
The IVisualElement class used to render a background behind item renderers that are being edited. Item renderers may only be edited when the data grid and the column are both editable and the column sets rendererIsEditable to true.
The IVisualElement class used to render a background behind item renderers that are being edited.
editorRowIndex — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid
The zero-based row index of the cell that is being edited.
editorRowIndex — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.DataGridEditor
The zero-based row index of the cell that is being edited.
editorUsesEnterKey — Property, class mx.controls.List
A flag that indicates whether the item editor uses Enter key.
editorUsesEnterKey — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn
A flag that indicates whether the item editor uses Enter key.
editorUsesEnterKey — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
A flag that indicates whether the item editor uses Enter key.
editorWidthOffset — Property, class mx.controls.List
The width of the item editor, in pixels, relative to the size of the item renderer.
editorWidthOffset — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn
The width of the item editor, in pixels, relative to the size of the item renderer.
editorWidthOffset — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
The width of the item editor, in pixels, relative to the size of the item renderer.
editorXOffset — Property, class mx.controls.List
The x location of the upper-left corner of the item editor, in pixels, relative to the upper-left corner of the item.
editorXOffset — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn
The x location of the upper-left corner of the item editor, in pixels, relative to the upper-left corner of the item.
editorXOffset — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
The x location of the upper-left corner of the item editor, in pixels, relative to the upper-left corner of the item.
editorYOffset — Property, class mx.controls.List
The y location of the upper-left corner of the item editor, in pixels, relative to the upper-left corner of the item.
editorYOffset — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn
The y location of the upper-left corner of the item editor, in pixels, relative to the upper-left corner of the item.
editorYOffset — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
The y location of the upper-left corner of the item editor, in pixels, relative to the upper-left corner of the item.
effect — Property, class mx.effects.EffectInstance
The IEffect object that created this IEffectInstance object.
effect — Property, interface mx.effects.IEffectInstance
The IEffect object that created this IEffectInstance object.
effect — Property, class mx.states.Transition
The IEffect object to play when you apply the transition.
Effect — class, package mx.effects
The Effect class is an abstract base class that defines the basic functionality of all Flex effects.
Effect(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.Effect
EFFECT — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.EventPriority
Autogenerated event handlers that trigger effects are executed after other event handlers on component instances, so they have a lower priority than the default.
effectEnd — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent
Dispatched after an effect ends.
effectEnd — Event, class mx.effects.Effect
Dispatched when one of the effect's instances finishes playing, either when the instance finishes playing or when the effect is interrupted by a call to the end() method.
EFFECT_END — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.EffectEvent
The EffectEvent.EFFECT_END constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an effectEnd event.
effectEndHandler(event:mx.events:EffectEvent) — method, class mx.effects.Effect
Called when an effect instance has finished playing.
EffectEvent — class, package mx.events
Represents event objects that are specific to Flex effects.
EffectEvent(eventType:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, effectInstance:mx.effects:IEffectInstance) — Constructor, class mx.events.EffectEvent
effectFinished(effectInst:mx.effects:IEffectInstance) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Called by the effect instance when it stops playing on the component.
effectHost — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.UnconstrainItemActionInstance
The effect host component.
effectInstance — Property, class mx.events.EffectEvent
The effect instance object for the event.
EffectInstance — class, package mx.effects
The EffectInstance class represents an instance of an effect playing on a target.
EffectInstance(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.EffectInstance
effectiveAlpha — Property, class mx.core.DesignLayer
Property that returns the effective alpha, between 0.0 and 1.0, of this design layer.
effectiveVisibility — Property, class mx.core.DesignLayer
Returns the effective visibility of this design layer.
EffectManager — class, package mx.effects
The EffectManager class listens for events, such as the show and move events, dispatched by objects in a Flex application.
effectMask — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance
Contains the effect mask, either the default mask created by the defaultCreateMask() method, or the one specified by the function passed to the createMaskFunction property.
effectRepeat — Event, class spark.effects.Animate
Dispatched when the effect begins a new repetition, for any effect that is repeated more than once.
EFFECT_REPEAT — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.EffectEvent
The EffectEvent.EFFECT_REPEAT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an effectRepeat event.
effects — Property, class mx.core.UIComponentDescriptor
An Array containing the effects for the component, as specified in MXML.
effectStart — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent
Dispatched just before an effect starts.
effectStart — Event, class mx.effects.Effect
Dispatched when the effect starts playing.
EFFECT_START — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.EffectEvent
The EffectEvent.EFFECT_START constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an effectStart event.
effectStarted(effectInst:mx.effects:IEffectInstance) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Called by the effect instance when it starts playing on the component.
effectStartHandler(event:mx.events:EffectEvent) — method, class mx.effects.Effect
This method is called when the effect instance starts playing.
effectStop — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent
Dispatched after an effect is stopped, which happens only by a call to stop() on the effect.
effectStop — Event, class mx.effects.Effect
Dispatched when the effect has been stopped, which only occurs when the effect is interrupted by a call to the stop() method.
EFFECT_STOP — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.EffectEvent
The EffectEvent.EFFECT_STOP constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an effectStop event.
effectStopHandler(event:mx.events:EffectEvent) — method, class mx.effects.Effect
Called when an effect instance has stopped by a call to the stop() method.
EffectTargetFilter — class, package mx.effects
The EffectTargetFilter class defines a custom filter that is executed by each transition effect on each target of the effect.
EffectTargetFilter() — Constructor, class mx.effects.EffectTargetFilter
effectTargetHost — Property, class mx.effects.Effect
A property that lets you access the target list-based control of a data effect.
effectTargetHost — Property, class mx.effects.EffectInstance
A property that lets you access the target list-based control of a data effect.
effectTargetHost — Property, interface mx.effects.IEffect
A property that lets you access the target list-based control of a data effect.
effectTargetHost — Property, interface mx.effects.IEffectInstance
A property that lets you access the target list-based control of a data effect.
effectUpdate — Event, class spark.effects.Animate
Dispatched every time the effect updates the target.
EFFECT_UPDATE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.EffectEvent
The EffectEvent.EFFECT_UPDATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an effectUpdate event.
Elastic — class, package mx.effects.easing
The Elastc class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes, where the motion is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave.
Elastic — class, package spark.effects.easing
The Elastic class implements easing functionality where the target object movement is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave.
Elastic() — Constructor, class spark.effects.easing.Elastic
element — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.CellContainer
element — Property, class flashx.textLayout.events.StatusChangeEvent
The FlowElement instance that has experienced a change in status.
element — Property, class mx.charts.ChartItem
The series or element that owns the ChartItem.
element — Property, class mx.charts.HitData
Specifies the chart element rendering this data item that generated the HitData structure.
element — Property, class mx.charts.LegendItem
The chart element that is responsible for generating this legend item.
element — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.LegendData
The chart item that generated this legend item.
element — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.LineSeriesSegment
The series or element that owns this segment.
element — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.AreaSeriesRenderData
The AreaSeries that this structure is associated with.
element — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.SOAPFault
The raw XML of this SOAP Fault.
element — Property, class spark.events.ElementExistenceEvent
Reference to the visual element that was added or removed.
elementAdd — Event, class spark.components.Group
Dispatched when a visual element is added to the content holder.
elementAdd — Event, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer
Dispatched when a visual element is added to the content holder.
elementAdd — Event, class spark.containers.Navigator
Dispatched when a visual element is added to the content holder.
ELEMENT_ADD — Constant Static Property, class spark.events.ElementExistenceEvent
The ElementExistenceEvent.ELEMENT_ADD constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an elementAdd event.
elementAdded(index:int) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
Called by the target after a layout element has been added and before the target's size and display list are validated.
elementBounds — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.RenderData
An Array of rectangles describing the bounds of the series's ChartItems, relative to the series's coordinate system.
elementErrorStrings — Property, class spark.components.FormItem
Each Vector item contains the error string from a content element.
ElementExistenceEvent — class, package spark.events
The ElementExistenceEvent class represents events that are dispatched when an element of a Group is created or destroyed.
ElementExistenceEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, element:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int) — Constructor, class spark.events.ElementExistenceEvent
elementHorizontalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.CarouselLayout
The horizontal transform point of elements.
elementHorizontalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.CoverflowLayout
The horizontal transform point of elements.
elementInterpolator — Property, class spark.effects.interpolation.MultiValueInterpolator
The interpolator for each element of the input Array or Vector.
elementOffset — Property, class mx.charts.effects.SeriesEffect
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Flex delays the start of the effect on each element in the series.
elementOffset — Property, class mx.charts.effects.effectClasses.SeriesEffectInstance
Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Flex delays the start of the effect on each element in the series.
ElementRange — class, package flashx.textLayout.edit
The ElementRange class represents the range of objects selected within a text flow.
elementRemove — Event, class spark.components.Group
Dispatched when a visual element is removed from the content holder.
elementRemove — Event, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer
Dispatched when a visual element is removed from the content holder.
elementRemove — Event, class spark.containers.Navigator
Dispatched when a visual element is removed from the content holder.
ELEMENT_REMOVE — Constant Static Property, class spark.events.ElementExistenceEvent
The ElementExistenceEvent.ELEMENT_REMOVE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an elementRemove event.
elementRemoved(index:int) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
This method must is called by the target after a layout element has been removed and before the target's size and display list are validated.
elements — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTransform
The elements that are associated with this transform.
elements(name:String) — method, class mx.collections.XMLListCollection
Calls the elements() method of each XML object in the XMLList.
elements — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPCube
Processes the input Array and initializes the dimensions and measures properties based on the elements of the Array.
elements — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPDimension
Processes the input Array and initializes the attributes and hierarchies properties based on the elements of the Array.
elements — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPHierarchy
An Array of the levels of the hierarchy, as OLAPLevel instances.
_elements — Property, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.NavigatorLayoutBase
elements — Property, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.NavigatorLayoutBase
elementVerticalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.CarouselLayout
The vertical transform point of elements.
elementVerticalAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.CoverflowLayout
The vertical transform point of elements.
Ellipse — class, package spark.primitives
The Ellipse class is a filled graphic element that draws an ellipse.
Ellipse() — Constructor, class spark.primitives.Ellipse
EmailValidator — class, package mx.validators
The EmailValidator class validates that a String has a single @ sign, a period in the domain name and that the top-level domain suffix has two, three, four, or six characters.
EmailValidator() — Constructor, class mx.validators.EmailValidator
embeddedFontList — Property, class mx.managers.SystemManager
A table of embedded fonts in this application.
embeddedFontList — Property, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager
A table of embedded fonts in this application.
embedFonts — Property, class mx.core.FTETextField
embedFonts — Property, interface mx.core.IUITextField
emphasized — Property, class mx.controls.Button
Draws a thick border around the Button control when the control is in its up state if emphasized is set to true.
emphasized — Property, interface mx.core.IButton
Draws a thick border around the Button control when the control is in its up state if emphasized is set to true.
emphasized — Property, class spark.components.Button
Reflects the default button as requested by the focus manager.
emphasizedSkin — Style, class mx.controls.Button
Name of the class to use as the skin for the button when the button is emphasized (such as when serving as the default button for a container).
EMPTY — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.EdgeMetrics
An EdgeMetrics object with a value of zero for its left, top, right, and bottom properties.
enableAccessibility — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration
Specifies whether accessibility support is turned on or not.
enableAccessibility — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration
Specifies whether accessibility support is turned on or not.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.AccordionHeaderAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the AccordionHeader class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.AdvancedDataGridAccImpl
Method call for enabling accessibility for a component.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.AlertAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the Alert class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.ButtonAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the Button class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.CheckBoxAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the CheckBox class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.ColorPickerAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the ColorPicker class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.ComboBaseAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the ComboBase class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.ComboBoxAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the ComboBox class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.DataGridAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the DataGrid class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.DateChooserAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the DateChooser class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.DateFieldAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the DateField class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.LabelAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the Label class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.LinkButtonAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the LinkButton class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.ListAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the List class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.ListBaseAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the ListBase class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.MenuAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the Menu class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.MenuBarAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the MenuBar class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.PanelAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the Panel class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.RadioButtonAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the RadioButton class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.SliderAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the Slider class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.TabBarAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the TabBar class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.TitleWindowAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the TitleWindow class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class mx.accessibility.TreeAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the Tree class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.ButtonBarBaseAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the ButtonBarBase class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.ButtonBaseAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the Button class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.CheckBoxAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the CheckBox class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.ComboBoxAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the ComboBox class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.DataGridAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the DataGrid class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.DropDownListBaseAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the DropDownListBase class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.ListAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the List class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.ListBaseAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the ListBase class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.NumericStepperAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the Spinner class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.PanelAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the Panel class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.RadioButtonAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the RadioButton class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.RichEditableTextAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the RichEditableText class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.SliderBaseAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the SliderBase class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.SpinnerAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the Spinner class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.TabBarAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the TabBar class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.TextBaseAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the TextBase class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.TitleWindowAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the TitleWindow class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.ToggleButtonAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the ToggleButton class.
enableAccessibility() — Static Method , class spark.accessibility.VideoPlayerAccImpl
Enables accessibility in the VideoPlayer class.
enableAutoUpdate() — method, interface mx.collections.ICollectionView
Enables auto-updating.
enableAutoUpdate() — method, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView
Enables auto-updating.
enableCaching — Property, class spark.core.ContentCache
Enables caching behavior and functionality.
enabled — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
Whether the component can accept user interaction.
enabled — Property, class mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup
Determines whether selection is allowed.
enabled — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader
Whether the component can accept user interaction.
enabled — Property, interface mx.core.IUIComponent
Whether the component can accept user interaction.
enabled — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
Whether the component can accept user interaction.
enabled — Property, class mx.core.UIFTETextField
A Boolean value that indicates whether the component is enabled.
enabled — Property, class mx.core.UITextField
A Boolean value that indicates whether the component is enabled.
enabled — Static Property, class mx.managers.ToolTipManager
If true, the ToolTipManager will automatically show ToolTips when the user moves the mouse pointer over components.
enabled — Property, interface mx.validators.IValidator
Property to enable/disable validation process.
enabled — Property, class mx.validators.Validator
Setting this value to false will stop the validator from performing validation.
enabled — Property, class spark.components.RadioButton
The RadioButton component is enabled if the RadioButtonGroup is enabled and the RadioButton itself is enabled.
enabled — Property, class spark.components.RadioButtonGroup
Determines whether selection is allowed.
enabled — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField
Whether the component can accept user interaction.
enabled — Property, interface spark.core.IEditableText
Whether the component can accept user interaction.
enabled — Property, class spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase
Setting this value to false will stop the validator from performing validation.
enabledField — Property, class mx.controls.NavBar
Name of the the field in the dataProvider object to use as the enabled label.
enableIME — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.CellContainer
enableIME — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableCellElement
enableIME — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class mx.controls.ComboBase
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class mx.controls.DataGrid
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class mx.controls.List
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class mx.controls.NumericStepper
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class mx.controls.TextArea
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class mx.controls.TextInput
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class mx.core.FlexHTMLLoader
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, interface mx.core.IIMESupport
Specifies whether the IME should be enabled when this component has focus.
enableIME — Property, class mx.core.UIFTETextField
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class mx.core.UITextField
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class spark.components.ComboBox
enableIME — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class spark.components.NumericStepper
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class spark.components.RichEditableText
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableIME — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase
A flag that indicates whether the IME should be enabled when the component receives focus.
enableLoadingState — Style, class spark.components.Image
When true, enables the loading skin state.
enablePolling() — method, class mx.messaging.channels.PollingChannel
Enables polling based on the number of times enablePolling() and disablePolling() have been invoked.
enableQueueing — Property, class spark.core.ContentCache
Enables queuing behavior and functionality.
enableSearch — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.GlobalSettings
Controls whether the text will be visible to a search engine indexer.
ENABLE_SMALL_MESSAGES — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.Channel
encode(bitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData) — method, interface mx.graphics.codec.IImageEncoder
Encodes a BitmapData object as a ByteArray.
encode(bitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData) — method, class mx.graphics.codec.JPEGEncoder
Converts the pixels of BitmapData object to a JPEG-encoded ByteArray object.
encode(bitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData) — method, class mx.graphics.codec.PNGEncoder
Converts the pixels of a BitmapData object to a PNG-encoded ByteArray object.
encode(value:any, name:QName, type:QName, definition:XML) — method, interface mx.rpc.xml.IXMLEncoder
Encodes an ActionScript value as XML.
encode(data:String, offset:uint, length:uint) — method, class mx.utils.Base64Encoder
Encodes the characters of a String in Base64 and adds the result to an internal buffer.
encodeByteArray(byteArray:flash.utils:ByteArray, width:int, height:int, transparent:Boolean) — method, interface mx.graphics.codec.IImageEncoder
Encodes a ByteArray object containing raw pixels in 32-bit ARGB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) format as a new ByteArray object containing encoded image data.
encodeByteArray(byteArray:flash.utils:ByteArray, width:int, height:int, transparent:Boolean) — method, class mx.graphics.codec.JPEGEncoder
Converts a ByteArray object containing raw pixels in 32-bit ARGB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) format to a new JPEG-encoded ByteArray object.
encodeByteArray(byteArray:flash.utils:ByteArray, width:int, height:int, transparent:Boolean) — method, class mx.graphics.codec.PNGEncoder
Converts a ByteArray object containing raw pixels in 32-bit ARGB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) format to a new PNG-encoded ByteArray object.
encodeBytes(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, offset:uint, length:uint) — method, class mx.utils.Base64Encoder
Encodes a ByteArray in Base64 and adds the result to an internal buffer.
encodeImageAsBase64(snapshot:mx.graphics:ImageSnapshot) — Static Method , class mx.graphics.ImageSnapshot
A utility method to convert an ImageSnapshot into a Base-64 encoded String for transmission in text based serialization formats such as XML.
encodeUTFBytes(data:String) — method, class mx.utils.Base64Encoder
Encodes the UTF-8 bytes of a String in Base64 and adds the result to an internal buffer.
encodeValue(obj:Object, qname:QName, parentNode:flash.xml:XMLNode) — method, class mx.rpc.xml.SimpleXMLEncoder
Encodes an ActionScript object to XML using default serialization.
end — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.LineSeriesSegment
The index into the items array of the last item in this segment, inclusive.
end(effectInstance:mx.effects:IEffectInstance) — method, class mx.effects.Effect
Interrupts an effect that is currently playing, and jumps immediately to the end of the effect.
end() — method, class mx.effects.EffectInstance
Interrupts an effect instance that is currently playing, and jumps immediately to the end of the effect.
end(effectInstance:mx.effects:IEffectInstance) — method, interface mx.effects.IEffect
Interrupts an effect that is currently playing, and jumps immediately to the end of the effect.
end() — method, interface mx.effects.IEffectInstance
Interrupts an effect instance that is currently playing, and jumps immediately to the end of the effect.
end() — method, class mx.effects.effectClasses.ParallelInstance
Interrupts any effects that are currently playing, skips over any effects that haven't started playing, and jumps immediately to the end of the composite effect.
end — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.PropertyChanges
An Object containing the ending properties of the target component modified by the change in view state.
end() — method, class mx.effects.effectClasses.SequenceInstance
Interrupts any effects that are currently playing, skips over any effects that haven't started playing, and jumps immediately to the end of the composite effect.
end() — method, class mx.effects.effectClasses.TweenEffectInstance
Interrupts an effect that is currently playing, and immediately jumps to the end of the effect.
end(target:flash.display:Graphics) — method, interface mx.graphics.IFill
Ends the fill.
end(target:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class mx.graphics.LinearGradient
Ends the fill.
end(target:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class mx.graphics.RadialGradient
Ends the fill.
end(target:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class mx.graphics.SolidColor
Ends the fill.
end() — method, class spark.effects.animation.Animation
Interrupts the animation, jumps immediately to the end of the animation, and calls the animationEnd() function on the animationTarget.
END — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ClearFloats
Specifies that text skips over floats on the start side in reading order (left if direction is "ltr", right if direction is "rtl").
END — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.Float
Graphic floats on the trailing side of the text (right if paragraph direction is "ltr", left if paragraph direction is "rtl").
END — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign
Specifies end edge alignment - text is aligned opposite from the writing order.
END — Constant Static Property, class mx.states.InterruptionBehavior
Specifies that a transition that interrupts another running transition ends that other transition before starting.
END — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.CalloutPosition
Position the trailing edge of the callout at the trailing edge of the owner.
END — Constant Static Property, class spark.core.NavigationUnit
Navigate to the end of the document.
endCompositeOperation() — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager
Ends a group of operations.
endCompositeOperation() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager
Ends a group of operations.
endDraw(g:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class spark.primitives.Path
Finalize drawing for this element.
endDraw(g:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.FilledElement
Finalize drawing for this element.
endDraw(g:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.StrokedElement
Finalize drawing for this element.
endEdit(reason:String) — method, class mx.controls.List
Stops the editing of an item in the data provider.
endEffectsForTarget(target:mx.core:IUIComponent) — Static Method , class mx.effects.EffectManager
Immediately ends any effects currently playing on a target.
endEffectsStarted() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Ends all currently playing effects on the component.
endFill() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas
endFill() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas
endFunction — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.AnimationTarget
endGeneration — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowOperation
The text flow generation after the operation.
endHighlightBitmapCapture() — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.Skin
Called after a bitmap capture is made for this skin.
endHighlightBitmapCapture() — method, class spark.skins.ActionScriptSkinBase
Called after a bitmap capture is made for this skin.
endHighlightBitmapCapture() — method, interface spark.skins.IHighlightBitmapCaptureClient
Called after a bitmap capture is made for this skin.
endIndex — Property, class mx.controls.textClasses.TextRange
Zero-based index in the control's text field of the point immediately after the last character in the range; equivalent to the One-based index of the last character.
endInteraction() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Terminates interaction.
endInterpolation(interpolationData:Object) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series
Called by the SeriesInterpolate effect to end an interpolation effect.
endItemEditorSession(cancel:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.DataGrid
Closes the currently active editor and optionally saves the editor's value by calling the item editor's save() method.
endItemEditorSession(cancel:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.gridClasses.DataGridEditor
Closes the currently active editor and optionally saves the editor's value by calling the item editor's save() method.
endLine(textLine:flash.text.engine:TextLine) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose
Called when we are finished composing a line, and it is committed.
endMouseCapture() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController
Called to inform clients that the the forwarding of mouseup and mousemove events from outside a security sandbox is no longer needed.
endMouseCapture() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.container.ISandboxSupport
Called to inform clients that the the forwarding of mouseup and mousemove events from outside a security sandbox is no longer needed.
endMouseCapture() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Called to inform clients that the the forwarding of mouseup and mousemove events from outside a security sandbox is no longer needed.
endOfDocument(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange, extendSelection:Boolean) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil
Sets the TextRange at the end of the document.
endOfLine(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange, extendSelection:Boolean) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil
Sets the TextRange at the end of the line.
endOfParagraph(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange, extendSelection:Boolean) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.utils.NavigationUtil
Sets the TextRange at the end of the paragraph.
endpoint — Property, class mx.messaging.Channel
Provides access to the endpoint for this channel.
endpoint — Property, class mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject
This property allows the developer to quickly specify an endpoint for a RemoteObject destination without referring to a services configuration file at compile time or programmatically creating a ChannelSet.
ENDPOINT_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.AbstractMessage
Messages are tagged with the endpoint id for the Channel they are sent over.
endpointURI — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService
The location of the WebService.
endpointURI — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.Operation
The location of the WebService for this Operation.
ENDS_WITH — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.RegExPatterns
Specifies the use of a regex pattern matching the end with a given value.
endTableBlock(block:flashx.textLayout.compose:TextFlowTableBlock) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose
Called when we are finished composing a line, and it is committed.
endTextEdit() — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollableStageText
endTween() — method, class mx.effects.Tween
Interrupt the tween, jump immediately to the end of the tween, and invoke the onTweenEnd() callback function.
endValuesCaptured — Property, class mx.effects.Effect
A flag containing true if the end values of an effect have already been determined, or false if they should be acquired from the current properties of the effect targets when the effect runs.
endView — Property, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase
The view that the navigator is transitioning to, as set by the owning ViewNavigator object.
ensureCellIsVisible(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — method, class spark.components.DataGrid
If necessary, set the verticalScrollPosition and horizontalScrollPosition properties so that the specified cell is completely visible.
ensureCellIsVisible(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — method, class spark.components.Grid
If necessary, set the verticalScrollPosition and horizontalScrollPosition properties so that the specified cell is completely visible.
ensureElementIsVisible(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.components.Scroller
Scrolls the viewport so the specified element is visible.
ensureIndexIsVisible(index:int) — method, class spark.components.List
A convenience method that handles scrolling a data item into view.
enter — Event, class mx.controls.ColorPicker
Dispatched if the ColorPicker editable property is set to true and the user presses Enter after typing in a hexadecimal color value.
enter — Event, class mx.controls.ComboBox
Dispatched if the editable property is set to true and the user presses the Enter key while typing in the editable text field.
enter — Event, class mx.controls.TextInput
Dispatched when the user presses the Enter key.
enter — Event, class spark.components.RichEditableText
Dispatched when the user presses the Enter key, if the multiline property is false.
enter — Event, class spark.components.TextInput
Dispatched when the user presses the Enter key.
enter — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollableStageText
Dispatched if the StageText is not multiline and the user presses the enter key.
enter — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText
Dispatched if the StageText is not multiline and the user presses the enter key.
ENTER — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.ColorPickerEvent
The ColorPickerEvent.ENTER constant defines the value of the type property of the event that is dispatched when the user presses the Enter key after typing in the color selector box.
ENTER — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.FlexEvent
The FlexEvent.ENTER constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a enter event.
ENTER_FRAME — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.FlexEvent
The FlexEvent.ENTER_FRAME constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an Event.ENTER_FRAMER event.
enterState — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent
Dispatched after the component has entered a view state.
enterState — Event, class mx.states.State
Dispatched after a view state has been entered.
ENTER_STATE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.FlexEvent
The FlexEvent.ENTER_STATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a enterState event.
entries — Property, class mx.graphics.GradientBase
An Array of GradientEntry objects defining the fill patterns for the gradient fill.
entries — Property, class spark.filters.GradientFilter
An Array of GradientEntry objects defining the fill patterns for the gradient fill.
enumerationMode — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid
A String specifying whether this control displays only files, only subdirectories, or both.
enumerationMode — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemList
A String specifying whether this control displays only files, only subdirectories, or both.
enumerationMode — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemTree
A String specifying whether this control displays only files, only subdirectories, or both.
equals(selectionFormat:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionFormat) — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionFormat
Determines whether this SelectionFormat object has the same property values as another SelectionFormat object.
equals(string1:String, string2:String) — method, class spark.globalization.supportClasses.CollatorBase
Compares two strings and returns a Boolean value indicating whether the strings are equal.
equalUserStyles(otherElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement
Compare the userStyles of this with otherElement's userStyles.
error — Property, class flashx.textLayout.events.FlowOperationEvent
The error thrown, if any, during an operation.
error — Event, class mx.core.Application
Dispatched when an HTTPService call fails.
error — Property, class mx.formatters.Formatter
Description saved by the formatter when an error occurs.
error(message:String, ... rest) — method, interface mx.logging.ILogger
Logs the specified data using the LogEventLevel.ERROR level.
error(msg:String, ... rest) — method, class mx.logging.LogLogger
Logs the specified data using the LogEventLevel.ERROR level.
error — Event, interface mx.modules.IModuleInfo
Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo if there was an error during module loading.
error — Property, interface mx.modules.IModuleInfo
A flag that is true if there was an error during module loading.
error — Event, class mx.modules.ModuleLoader
Dispatched when the module throws an error.
error — Event, class spark.components.Application
Dispatched when an HTTPService call fails.
error — Event, class spark.modules.ModuleLoader
Dispatched when the module throws an error.
ERROR — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElementStatus
An error occurred during loading of a referenced graphic.
ERROR — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.ModuleEvent
Dispatched when there is an error downloading the module.
ERROR — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.ResourceEvent
Dispatched when there is an error loading the resource module SWF file.
ERROR — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.StyleEvent
Dispatched when there is an error downloading the style SWF.
ERROR — Constant Static Property, class mx.logging.LogEventLevel
Designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running.
errorCode — Property, class mx.validators.ValidationResult
The validation error code if the value of the isError property is true.
ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN — Constant Static Property, class spark.globalization.LastOperationStatus
Indicates that the return error code is not known.
errorColor — Style, class mx.core.UIComponent
Color of the component highlight when validation fails.
ERROR_DECODING — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService
Indicates that an XML formatted result could not be parsed into an XML instance or decoded into an Object.
ERROR_ENCODING — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService
Indicates that an input parameter could not be encoded as XML.
errorEvent — Property, class flashx.textLayout.events.StatusChangeEvent
The ErrorEvent object that was dispatched as a result of the status change.
ERROR_HINT_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage
Header name for the error hint header.
ERROR_INCORRECT_FORMAT — Constant Static Property, class org.apache.flex.validators.PostCodeValidator
Value errorCode of a ValidationResult is set to when the format contains unknown format characters.
errorIndicatorSource — Style, class spark.components.FormItem
Specifies the image source to use for the error indicator.
ERROR_INVALID_CHAR — Constant Static Property, class org.apache.flex.validators.PostCodeValidator
Value errorCode of a ValidationResult is set to when the postcode contains an invalid charater.
errorMessage — Property, class mx.validators.ValidationResult
The validation error message if the value of the isError property is true.
ErrorMessage — class, package mx.messaging.messages
The ErrorMessage class is used to report errors within the messaging system.
ErrorMessage() — Constructor, class mx.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage
Constructs an ErrorMessage instance.
errors — Property, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.ConverterBase
Errors encountered while parsing.
errors — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.conversion.ITextExporter
This property contains a vector of error messages as strings after a call to an exporter method is the throwOnError property is set to false, which is the default.
errors — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.conversion.ITextImporter
This property contains a vector of error messages as strings after a call to an importer method is the throwOnError property is set to false, which is the default.
errorSkin — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent
Name of the skin class to use for this component when a validation error occurs.
ErrorSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark
The ErrorSkin class defines the error skin for Spark components.
ErrorSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.ErrorSkin
errorsToLocale(locale:String) — method, class org.apache.flex.validators.PostCodeValidator
Sets the error strings to be from a another locale.
errorString — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
The text that displayed by a component's error tip when a component is monitored by a Validator and validation fails.
errorString — Property, interface mx.validators.IValidatorListener
The text that will be displayed by a component's error tip when a component is monitored by a Validator and validation fails.
errorText — Property, class mx.events.ModuleEvent
The error message if the type is ModuleEvent.ERROR; otherwise, it is null.
errorText — Property, class mx.events.RSLEvent
The error message if the type is RSL_ERROR; otherwise, it is null;
errorText — Property, class mx.events.ResourceEvent
The error message if the type is ERROR; otherwise, it is null.
errorText — Property, class mx.events.StyleEvent
The error message if the type is ERROR; otherwise, it is null.
errorText — Property, class spark.formatters.DateTimeFormatter
String returned by the format() method when an error occurs.
errorText — Property, class spark.formatters.supportClasses.NumberFormatterBase
Replacement string returned by the format() method when an error occurs.
ERROR_TEXT — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn
The return value for the itemToLabel() or itemToDataTip() method if resolving the corresponding property name (path) fails.
errorTextDisplay — Skin Part, class spark.components.FormItem
A reference to the visual element that display the FormItem's error strings.
A reference to the visual element that display the FormItem's error strings.
errorTextDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin
A reference to the visual element that display the FormItem's error strings.
errorTextDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormSkin
Displays the error text of the Form.
ERROR_URL_REQUIRED — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService
Indicates that the useProxy property was set to false but a url was not provided.
ERROR_WRONG_FORMAT — Constant Static Property, class org.apache.flex.validators.PostCodeValidator
Value errorCode of a ValidationResult is set to when the postcode is of the wrong format.
ERROR_WRONG_LENGTH — Constant Static Property, class org.apache.flex.validators.PostCodeValidator
Value errorCode of a ValidationResult is set to when the postcode is of the wrong length.
EVENT — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.ProgressBarMode
The control specified by the source property must dispatch progress and completed events.
eventHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class mx.accessibility.AccImpl
Generic event handler.
EventListenerRequest — class, package mx.events
Request sent from one SystemManager to a SystemManager in another application through their bridge to add or remove a listener to a specified event on your behalf.
EventListenerRequest(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, eventType:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean, priority:int, useWeakReference:Boolean) — Constructor, class mx.events.EventListenerRequest
Creates a new request to add or remove an event listener.
eventName — Property, class mx.effects.Pause
Name of event that Pause is waiting on before ending.
eventName — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.PauseInstance
Name of event that Pause is waiting on before ending.
EVENT_OBJECT_ACCELERATORCHANGE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object's MSAA KeyboardShortcut property changed.
EVENT_OBJECT_CONTENTSCROLLED — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that the scrolling of a window object has ended.
EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object was created.
EVENT_OBJECT_DEFACTIONCHANGE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object's MSAA DefaultAction property changed.
EVENT_OBJECT_DESCRIPTIONCHANGE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object's MSAA Description property changed.
EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object was destroyed.
EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object has received the keyboard focus.
EVENT_OBJECT_HELPCHANGE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object's MSAA Help property changed.
EVENT_OBJECT_HIDE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object is being hidden.
EVENT_OBJECT_INVOKED — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object has been invoked; for example, the user has clicked a button.
EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object has changed location, shape, or size.
EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object's MSAA Name property changed.
EVENT_OBJECT_PARENTCHANGE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object has a new parent object.
EVENT_OBJECT_REORDER — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a container object has added, removed, or reordered its children.
EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that the selection within a container object changed.
EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONADD — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an item within a container object was added to the selection.
EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONREMOVE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an item within a container object was removed from the selection.
EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONWITHIN — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that numerous selection changes occurred within a container object.
EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a hidden object is being shown.
EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object's state has changed.
EVENT_OBJECT_TEXTSELECTIONCHANGED — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object's text selection has changed.
EVENT_OBJECT_VALUECHANGE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an object's MSAA Value property changed.
EventPriority — final class, package mx.core
The EventPriority class defines constant values for the priority argument of the addEventListener() method of EventDispatcher.
events — Property, class mx.core.ComponentDescriptor
An Object containing name/value pairs for the component's event handlers, as specified in MXML.
eventsToHandle — Property, class mx.accessibility.AccImpl
All subclasses must override this function by returning an array of strings of the events to listen for.
EVENT_SYSTEM_ALERT — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an alert was generated.
EVENT_SYSTEM_CAPTUREEND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a window has lost mouse capture.
EVENT_SYSTEM_CAPTURESTART — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a window has received mouse capture.
EVENT_SYSTEM_CONTEXTHELPEND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a window exited context-sensitive Help mode.
EVENT_SYSTEM_CONTEXTHELPSTART — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a window entered context-sensitive Help mode.
EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGEND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a dialog box was closed.
EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGSTART — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a dialog box was displayed.
EVENT_SYSTEM_DRAGDROPEND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an application is about to exit drag-and-drop mode.
EVENT_SYSTEM_DRAGDROPSTART — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that an application is about to enter drag-and-drop mode.
EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that the foreground window changed.
EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUEND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a menu from the menu bar was closed.
EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPEND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a pop-up menu was closed.
EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPSTART — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a pop-up menu was displayed.
EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUSTART — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a menu item on the menu bar was selected.
EVENT_SYSTEM_MINIMIZEEND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a window object was minimized or maximized.
EVENT_SYSTEM_MINIMIZESTART — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a window object is about to be minimized or maximized.
EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZEEND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that the movement or resizing of a window is finished.
EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZESTART — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a window is being moved or resized.
EVENT_SYSTEM_SCROLLINGEND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that scrolling has ended on a scroll bar.
EVENT_SYSTEM_SCROLLINGSTART — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that scrolling has started on a scroll bar.
EVENT_SYSTEM_SOUND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that a sound was played.
EVENT_SYSTEM_SWITCHEND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that the user released ALT+TAB.
EVENT_SYSTEM_SWITCHSTART — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst
An MSAA event indicating that the user pressed ALT+TAB, which activates the switch window.
eventType — Property, class mx.events.EventListenerRequest
The type of the event to listen to.
EXACT — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.RegExPatterns
Specifies the use of a regex pattern matching exacly to a given value.
exceedsMaxError — Property, class mx.validators.CurrencyValidator
Error message when the value is greater than maxValue.
exceedsMaxError — Property, class mx.validators.NumberValidator
Error message when the value exceeds the maxValue property.
ExclusionShader — class, package mx.graphics.shaderClasses
Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Exclusion' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools.
ExclusionShader() — Constructor, class mx.graphics.shaderClasses.ExclusionShader
EXEC_QUEUED_CMD — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.VideoEvent
The value of the VideoDisplay.state property during execution of queued command.
execute(query:mx.olap:IOLAPQuery) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPCube
Queues an OLAP query for execution.
execute(query:mx.olap:IOLAPQuery) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPCube
Queues an OLAP query for execution.
executeBindings(recurse:Boolean) — method, class mx.charts.Legend
Executes all the data bindings on this Container.
executeBindings(recurse:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.Container
Executes all the data bindings on this Container.
executeBindings(recurse:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent
Executes all the bindings for which the UIComponent object is the destination.
executeBindings(recurse:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Executes all the bindings for which the UIComponent object is the destination.
executeChildBindings(recurse:Boolean) — method, class mx.charts.Legend
Executes the bindings into this Container's child UIComponent objects.
executeChildBindings(recurse:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.Container
Executes the bindings into this Container's child UIComponent objects.
executeChildBindings() — method, interface mx.core.IRepeater
Executes the bindings into all the UIComponents created by this Repeater.
executeChildBindings() — method, class mx.core.Repeater
Executes the bindings into all the UIComponents created by this Repeater.
exit() — method, class mx.core.WindowedApplication
Closes the window and exits the application.
exit() — method, class spark.components.WindowedApplication
Closes the window and exits the application.
exitState — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent
Dispatched just before the component exits a view state.
exitState — Event, class mx.states.State
Dispatched just before a view state is exited.
EXIT_STATE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.FlexEvent
The FlexEvent.EXIT_STATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a exitState event.
expandAll() — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
Expands all the nodes of the navigation tree in the control.
expandChildrenOf(item:Object, open:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
Opens or closes all the nodes of the navigation tree below the specified item.
expandChildrenOf(item:Object, open:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.Tree
Opens or closes all the tree items below the specified item.
expandExponents(value:String) — method, class mx.formatters.NumberBase
Formats a number in exponent notation, into a number in decimal notation.
expandItem(item:Object, open:Boolean, animate:Boolean, dispatchEvent:Boolean, cause:flash.events:Event) — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
Opens or closes a branch node of the navigation tree.
expandItem(item:Object, open:Boolean, animate:Boolean, dispatchEvent:Boolean, cause:flash.events:Event) — method, class mx.controls.Tree
Opens or closes a branch item.
EXPLICIT — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.LineBreak
Specifies that lines break only at explicit return or line feed characters.
explicitColumnCount — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase
The column count requested by explicitly setting the columnCount property.
explicitColumnCount — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase
The column count requested by explicitly setting the columnCount property.
explicitColumnWidth — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase
The column width requested by explicitly setting the columnWidth.
explicitColumnWidth — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase
The column width requested by explicitly setting the columnWidth.
explicitHeight — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintRow
Number that specifies the explicit height of the ConstraintRow instance, in pixels, in the ConstraintRow instance's coordinates.
explicitHeight — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
The explicitly specified height for the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
explicitHeight — Property, interface mx.core.IUIComponent
The explicitly specified height for the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
explicitHeight — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
Number that specifies the explicit height of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates.
explicitHeight — Property, class mx.core.UIFTETextField
Number that specifies the explicit height of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates.
explicitHeight — Property, class mx.core.UITextField
Number that specifies the explicit height of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates.
explicitHeight — Property, class mx.managers.SystemManager
The explicit width of this object.
explicitHeight — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Number that specifies the explicit height of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates.
explicitMaxHeight — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
Number that specifies the maximum height of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
explicitMaxHeight — Property, interface mx.core.IUIComponent
Number that specifies the maximum height of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
explicitMaxHeight — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
The maximum recommended height of the component to be considered by the parent during layout.
explicitMaxHeight — Property, class mx.core.UIFTETextField
Number that specifies the maximum height of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates, if the maxHeight property is set.
explicitMaxHeight — Property, class mx.core.UITextField
Number that specifies the maximum height of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates, if the maxHeight property is set.
explicitMaxHeight — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
The maximum recommended height of the component to be considered by the parent during layout.
explicitMaxWidth — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
Number that specifies the maximum width of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
explicitMaxWidth — Property, interface mx.core.IUIComponent
Number that specifies the maximum width of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
explicitMaxWidth — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
The maximum recommended width of the component to be considered by the parent during layout.
explicitMaxWidth — Property, class mx.core.UIFTETextField
Number that specifies the maximum width of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates, if the maxWidth property is set.
explicitMaxWidth — Property, class mx.core.UITextField
Number that specifies the maximum width of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates, if the maxWidth property is set.
explicitMaxWidth — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
The maximum recommended width of the component to be considered by the parent during layout.
explicitMembers — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPTuple
The user added members of this tuple, as a list of IOLAPMember instances.
explicitMembers — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPTuple
The user added members of this tuple, as a list of IOLAPMember instances.
explicitMinHeight — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
Number that specifies the minimum height of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
explicitMinHeight — Property, interface mx.core.IUIComponent
Number that specifies the minimum height of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
explicitMinHeight — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
The minimum recommended height of the component to be considered by the parent during layout.
explicitMinHeight — Property, class mx.core.UIFTETextField
The minimum recommended height of the component to be considered by the parent during layout.
explicitMinHeight — Property, class mx.core.UITextField
The minimum recommended height of the component to be considered by the parent during layout.
explicitMinHeight — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
The minimum recommended height of the component to be considered by the parent during layout.
explicitMinWidth — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
Number that specifies the minimum width of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
explicitMinWidth — Property, interface mx.core.IUIComponent
Number that specifies the minimum width of the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
explicitMinWidth — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
The minimum recommended width of the component to be considered by the parent during layout.
explicitMinWidth — Property, class mx.core.UIFTETextField
The minimum recommended width of the component to be considered by the parent during layout.
explicitMinWidth — Property, class mx.core.UITextField
The minimum recommended width of the component to be considered by the parent during layout.
explicitMinWidth — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
The minimum recommended width of the component to be considered by the parent during layout.
explicitRowCount — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase
The row count requested by explicitly setting rowCount.
explicitRowCount — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase
The row count requested by explicitly setting rowCount.
explicitRowHeight — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase
The row height requested by explicitly setting rowHeight.
explicitRowHeight — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase
The row height requested by explicitly setting rowHeight.
explicitWidth — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintColumn
Number that specifies the explicit width of the ConstraintColumn instance, in pixels, in the ConstraintColumn instance's coordinates.
explicitWidth — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
The explicitly specified width for the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
explicitWidth — Property, interface mx.core.IUIComponent
The explicitly specified width for the component, in pixels, as the component's coordinates.
explicitWidth — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
Number that specifies the explicit width of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates.
explicitWidth — Property, class mx.core.UIFTETextField
Number that specifies the explicit width of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates.
explicitWidth — Property, class mx.core.UITextField
Number that specifies the explicit width of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates.
explicitWidth — Property, class mx.managers.SystemManager
The explicit width of this object.
explicitWidth — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Number that specifies the explicit width of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates.
explodeRadius — Property, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries
A number from 0 to 1, specifying how far all wedges of the pie series should be exploded from the center of the chart as a percentage of the total radius.
exponent — Property, class spark.effects.easing.Power
The exponent used in the easing calculation.
Exponential — class, package mx.effects.easing
The Exponential class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes, where the motion is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave.
export(source:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, conversionType:String) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Export text content from a TextFlow instance in String, or XML, or a user defined format.
export(source:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, conversionType:String) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.conversion.ITextExporter
Export text content from a TextFlow instance in String, or XML, or a user defined format.
export(source:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, conversionType:String) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.PlainTextExporter
Export text content from a TextFlow instance in String, or XML, or a user defined format.
export(source:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, format:String, conversionType:String) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter
Exports a TextFlow to a specified format.
export(textFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow) — Static Method , class spark.utils.TextFlowUtil
Exports a TextFlow into the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework, in the form of XML.
exportChild(flowElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Exports the object.
exportContainerFormattedElement(flowElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Overridable worker method for exporting a ParagraphFormattedElement.
exportContainerFormattedElement(exporter:flashx.textLayout.conversion:BaseTextLayoutExporter, container:flashx.textLayout.elements:ContainerFormattedElement) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Base functionality for exporting a ContainerFormattedElement.
exporterClass — Property, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.FormatDescriptor
Returns the class used for converting to the format.
exportFlowElement(flowElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Overridable worker method for exporting a FlowElement.
exportFlowElement(exporter:flashx.textLayout.conversion:BaseTextLayoutExporter, flowElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Base functionality for exporting a FlowElement.
exportFlowGroupElement(exporter:flashx.textLayout.conversion:BaseTextLayoutExporter, flowBlockElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Base functionality for exporting a FlowGroupElement.
exportList(flowElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
exportList(exporter:flashx.textLayout.conversion:BaseTextLayoutExporter, flowParagraph:flashx.textLayout.elements:ParagraphFormattedElement) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
exportListItem(flowElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
exportListItem(exporter:flashx.textLayout.conversion:BaseTextLayoutExporter, flowParagraph:flashx.textLayout.elements:ParagraphFormattedElement) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
exportParagraphFormattedElement(flowElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Overridable worker method for exporting a ParagraphFormattedElement.
exportParagraphFormattedElement(exporter:flashx.textLayout.conversion:BaseTextLayoutExporter, flowParagraph:flashx.textLayout.elements:ParagraphFormattedElement) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Base functionality for exporting a ParagraphFormattedElement.
exportSpan(exporter:flashx.textLayout.conversion:BaseTextLayoutExporter, span:flashx.textLayout.elements:SpanElement) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Base functionality for exporting a Span.
exportSpanText(destination:XML, span:flashx.textLayout.elements:SpanElement, replacementRegex:RegExp, replacementXMLCallback:Function) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
exportStyles(xml:XMLList, sortableStyles:Array) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Helper function to export styles (core or user) in the form of xml attributes or xml children.
exportTableCellElement(tableCellElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:TableCellElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Overridable worker method for exporting a TableCellElement.
exportTableCellElement(exporter:flashx.textLayout.conversion:BaseTextLayoutExporter, tableCell:flashx.textLayout.elements:TableCellElement) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Base functionality for exporting a TableCellElement.
exportTableElement(tableElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:TableElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Overridable worker method for exporting a TableElement.
exportTableElement(exporter:flashx.textLayout.conversion:BaseTextLayoutExporter, table:flashx.textLayout.elements:TableElement) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Base functionality for exporting a TableElement.
exportTableRowElement(tableRowElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:TableRowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Overridable worker method for exporting a TableRowElement.
exportTableRowElement(exporter:flashx.textLayout.conversion:BaseTextLayoutExporter, tableRow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TableRowElement) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Base functionality for exporting a TableRowElement.
exportTextFlow(exporter:flashx.textLayout.conversion:BaseTextLayoutExporter, textFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Base functionality for exporting a TextFlow.
exportToXML(textFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow) — method, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.BaseTextLayoutExporter
Export text content of a TextFlow into XFL format.
expression — Property, class mx.validators.RegExpValidator
The regular expression to use for validation.
extendedData — Property, class mx.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage
Extended data that the remote destination has chosen to associate with this error to facilitate custom error processing on the client.
extendLabelToEnd — Property, class mx.charts.ColumnChart
Determines whether or not data labels can extend to the end of the chart.
extendToLinkBoundary — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyLinkOperation
Whether to extend the selection to include the entire text of any existing links overlapped by the selection, and then apply the change.
extensions — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid
An Array of extensions specifying which files can be displayed in this control.
extensions — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemList
An Array of extensions specifying which files can be displayed in this control.
extensions — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemTree
An Array of extensions specifying which files can be displayed in this control.
externalToString(value:Function) — Static Method , class mx.utils.RPCObjectUtil
Assign an static external toString method rather than use the internal one.
extractMinInterval(cache:Array, measureName:String, desc:mx.charts.chartClasses:DataDescription) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series
Extracts the minimum value, maximum value, and, optionally, the minimum interval from an Array of ChartItem objects.
extractMinMax(cache:Array, measureName:String, desc:mx.charts.chartClasses:DataDescription, calculateInterval:Boolean) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series
Extracts the minimum value, maximum value, and, optionally, the minimum interval from an Array of ChartItem objects.
extraValidation — Property, class org.apache.flex.validators.PostCodeValidator
A user supplied method that performs further validation on a postcode.
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