Interfacepublic interface IEditManager extends ISelectionManager, IInteractionEventHandler
Implementors EditManager

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

IEditManager defines the interface for handling edit operations of a text flow.

To enable text flow editing, assign an IEditManager instance to the interactionManager property of the TextFlow object. The edit manager handles changes to the text (such as insertions, deletions, and format changes). Changes are reversible if the edit manager has an undo manager. The edit manager triggers the recomposition and display of the text flow, as necessary.

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 InheritedabsoluteEnd : int
[read-only] The text position of the end of the selection, as an offset from the start of the text flow.
 InheritedabsoluteStart : int
[read-only] The text position of the start of the selection, as an offset from the start of the text flow.
 InheritedactiveCellPosition : CellCoordinates
Active end of the current cell selection, as coordinates within the table.
 InheritedactivePosition : int
[read-only] The active point of the selection.
  allowDelayedOperations : Boolean
Controls whether operations can be queued up for later execution.
 InheritedanchorCellPosition : CellCoordinates
Anchor point of the current cell selection, as coordinates within the table.
 InheritedanchorPosition : int
[read-only] The anchor point of the selection.
 InheritedcurrentCellSelectionFormat : SelectionFormat
[read-only] The current Cell SelectionFormat object.
 InheritedcurrentSelectionFormat : SelectionFormat
[read-only] The current SelectionFormat object.
 InheritedcurrentTable : TableElement
  delayUpdates : Boolean
By default, calls into IEditManager handle updates synchronously, so the requested change is made and the text recomposed and added to the display list within the IEditManager method.
 InheritededitingMode : String
[read-only] The editing mode.
 Inheritedfocused : Boolean
[read-only] Indicates whether a container in the text flow has the focus.
 InheritedfocusedCellSelectionFormat : SelectionFormat
The SelectionFormat object used to draw cell selections in a focused container.
 InheritedfocusedSelectionFormat : SelectionFormat
The SelectionFormat object used to draw the selection in a focused container.
 InheritedinactiveCellSelectionFormat : SelectionFormat
The SelectionFormat object used to draw cell selections when they are not in the active window.
 InheritedinactiveSelectionFormat : SelectionFormat
The SelectionFormat object used to draw the selection when it is not in the active window.
 InheritedselectionType : String
[read-only] Indicates the type of selection.
 InheritedsubManager : ISelectionManager
The ISelectionManager object used to for cell selections nested within the TextFlow managed by this ISelectionManager.
 InheritedsuperManager : ISelectionManager
The ISelectionManager object used to manage the parent TextFlow of this ISelectionManager (i.e.
 InheritedtextFlow : TextFlow
The TextFlow object managed by this selection manager.
  undoManager : IUndoManager
[read-only] The UndoManager object assigned to this EditManager instance, if there is one.
 InheritedunfocusedCellSelectionFormat : SelectionFormat
The SelectionFormat object used to draw cell selections when they are not in a focused container, but are in the active window.
 InheritedunfocusedSelectionFormat : SelectionFormat
The SelectionFormat object used to draw the selection when it is not in a focused container, but is in the active window.
 InheritedwindowActive : Boolean
[read-only] Indicates whether the window associated with the text flow is active.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Processes an activate event.
applyContainerFormat(format:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Applies container styles to any containers in the selection.
applyFormat(leafFormat:ITextLayoutFormat, paragraphFormat:ITextLayoutFormat, containerFormat:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Changes the formats of the specified (or current) selection.
applyFormatToElement(targetElement:FlowElement, format:ITextLayoutFormat, relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Applies styles to the specified element.
applyLeafFormat(format:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Changes the format applied to the leaf elements in the specified (or current) selection.
applyLink(href:String, target:String = null, extendToLinkBoundary:Boolean = false, operationState:SelectionState = null):LinkElement
Transforms a selection into a link, or a link into normal text.
applyParagraphFormat(format:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Applies paragraph styles to any paragraphs in the selection.
applyTCY(tcyOn:Boolean, operationState:SelectionState = null):TCYElement
Transforms text into a TCY run, or a TCY run into non-TCY text.
Begins a new group of operations.
changeElementID(newID:String, targetElement:FlowElement, relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Changes the ID of an element.
changeStyleName(newName:String, targetElement:FlowElement, relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Deprecated Since 2.0: Please Use applyFormatToElement
Changes the styleName of an element or part of an element.
changeTypeName(newName:String, targetElement:FlowElement, relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Changes the typeName of an element or part of an element.
clearFormat(leafFormat:ITextLayoutFormat, paragraphFormat:ITextLayoutFormat, containerFormat:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Undefines formats of the specified (or current) selection.
clearFormatOnElement(targetElement:FlowElement, format:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Undefines styles to the specified element.
Clears the selection shapes.
createDiv(parent:FlowGroupElement = null, format:ITextLayoutFormat = null, operationState:SelectionState = null):DivElement
Creates a new DivElement that contains the entire range specified in the operationState at the lowest common parent element that contains both the start and end points of the range.
createList(parent:FlowGroupElement = null, format:ITextLayoutFormat = null, operationState:SelectionState = null):ListElement
Creates a new ListElement that contains the entire range specified in the operationState at the lowest common parent element that contains both the start and end points of the range.
Creates a new SubParagraphGroupElement that contains the entire range specified in the operationState at the lowest common parent element that contains both the start and end points of the range.
cutTextScrap(operationState:SelectionState = null):TextScrap
Deletes the selected area and returns the deleted area in a TextScrap object.
Processes a deactivate event.
deleteNextCharacter(operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Deletes a range of text, or, if a point selection is given, deletes the next character.
deleteNextWord(operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Deletes the next word.
deletePreviousCharacter(operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Deletes a range of text, or, if a point selection is given, deletes the previous character.
deletePreviousWord(operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Deletes the previous word.
deleteText(operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Deletes a range of text.
Removes any selection from the text flow
Executes a FlowOperation.
Processes an edit event.
Ends a group of operations.
Executes any pending FlowOperations.
Processes a focusChange event.
Processes a focusIn event.
Processes a focusOut event.
Gets the character format attributes that are common to all characters in the specified text range or current selection.
Gets the container format attributes that are common to all containers in the specified text range or current selection.
Gets the paragraph format attributes that are common to all paragraphs in the specified text range or current selection.
Gets the SelectionState object of the current selection.
Indicates whether there is a text or cell selection.
Indicates whether there is a text selection.
Processes an imeStartComposition event
insertInlineGraphic(source:Object, width:Object, height:Object, options:Object = null, operationState:SelectionState = null):InlineGraphicElement
Inserts an image.
insertTableElement(table:TableElement, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
insertText(text:String, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Inserts text.
Indicates whether the selection covers a range of text.
Processes a keyDown event.
Processes a keyFocusChange event.
Processes a keyUp event.
Processes a menuSelect event.
modifyInlineGraphic(source:Object, width:Object, height:Object, options:Object = null, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Modifies an existing inline graphic.
Processes a mouseDoubleClick event.
Processes a mouseDown event.
Processes a mouseMove event.
Processes a mouseOut event.
Processes a mouseOver event.
Processes a mouseUp event.
Processes a mouseWheel event.
moveChildren(source:FlowGroupElement, sourceIndex:int, numChildren:int, destination:FlowGroupElement, destinationIndex:int, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Move a set of FlowElements from one FlowGroupElement to another.
notifyInsertOrDelete(absolutePosition:int, length:int):void
Updates the selection manager when text is inserted or deleted.
overwriteText(text:String, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Overwrites the selected text.
pasteTextScrap(scrapToPaste:TextScrap, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Pastes the TextScrap into the selected area.
Reperforms the previous undone operation.
Redisplays the selection shapes.
Selects the entire flow.
selectCellRange(anchorCoords:CellCoordinates, activeCoords:CellCoordinates):void
Selects the first position in the entire flow.
Selects the last position in the entire flow.
selectRange(anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int):void
Selects a range of text.
Gives the focus to the first container in the selection.
Sets the SelectionState object of the current selection.
Processes an softKeyboardActivating event
Splits the target element at the location specified, creating a new element after the current one.
Splits the paragraph at the current position, creating a new paragraph after the current one.
Processes a TextEvent.
Reverses the previous operation.
Updates the display after an operation has modified it.
Property Detail

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.0

Controls whether operations can be queued up for later execution.

Execution of some operations might be delayed as a performance optimization. For example, it is convenient to be able to combine multiple keystrokes into a single insert operation. If allowDelayedOperations is true, then operations may be queued up. If false, all operations are executed immediately. By default, it is true.

    public function get allowDelayedOperations():Boolean
    public function set allowDelayedOperations(value:Boolean):void

See also


Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.0

By default, calls into IEditManager handle updates synchronously, so the requested change is made and the text recomposed and added to the display list within the IEditManager method. To get a delayed redraw, set delayUpdates to true. This causes the IEditManager to only update the model, and recompose and redraw on the next enter_frame event.

    public function get delayUpdates():Boolean
    public function set delayUpdates(value:Boolean):void
undoManager:IUndoManager  [read-only]

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

The UndoManager object assigned to this EditManager instance, if there is one.

An undo manager handles undo and redo operations.

    public function get undoManager():IUndoManager
Method Detail
public function applyContainerFormat(format:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Applies container styles to any containers in the selection.

Any style properties in the format object that are null are left unchanged.


format:ITextLayoutFormat — The format to apply to the containers in the range
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function applyFormat(leafFormat:ITextLayoutFormat, paragraphFormat:ITextLayoutFormat, containerFormat:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Changes the formats of the specified (or current) selection.

Executes an undoable operation that applies the new formats. Only style attributes set for the TextLayoutFormat objects are applied. Undefined attributes in the format objects are not changed.


leafFormat:ITextLayoutFormat — The format to apply to leaf elements such as spans and inline graphics.
paragraphFormat:ITextLayoutFormat — The format to apply to paragraph elements.
containerFormat:ITextLayoutFormat — The format to apply to the containers.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function applyFormatToElement(targetElement:FlowElement, format:ITextLayoutFormat, relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Applies styles to the specified element.

Any style properties in the format object that are null are left unchanged. Only styles that are relevant to the specified element are applied.


targetElement:FlowElement — The element to which the styles are applied.
format:ITextLayoutFormat — The format containing the styles to apply.
relativeStart:int (default = 0) — An offset from the beginning of the element at which to split the element when assigning the new formatting.
relativeEnd:int (default = -1) — An offset from the beginning of the element at which to split the element when applying the new formatting.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function applyLeafFormat(format:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Changes the format applied to the leaf elements in the specified (or current) selection.

Executes an undoable operation that applies the new format to leaf elements such as SpanElement and InlineGraphicElement objects. Only style attributes set for the TextLayoutFormat objects are applied. Undefined attributes in the format object are changed.


format:ITextLayoutFormat — The format to apply.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function applyLink(href:String, target:String = null, extendToLinkBoundary:Boolean = false, operationState:SelectionState = null):LinkElement

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Transforms a selection into a link, or a link into normal text.

Executes an undoable operation that creates or removes the link.

If a target parameter is specified, it must be one of the following values:

In browser-hosted runtimes, a target of "_self" replaces the current html page. So, if the SWF content containing the link is in a page within a frame or frameset, the linked content loads within that frame. If the page is at the top level, the linked content opens to replace the original page. A target of "_blank" opens a new browser window with no name. A target of "_parent" replaces the parent of the html page containing the SWF content. A target of "_top" replaces the top-level page in the current browser window.

In other runtimes, such as Adobe AIR, the link opens in the user's default browser and the target parameter is ignored.

The extendToLinkBoundary parameter determines how the edit manager treats a selection that intersects with one or more existing links. If the parameter is true, then the operation is applied as a unit to the selection and the whole text of the existing links. Thus, a single link is created that spans from the beginning of the first link intersected to the end of the last link intersected. In contrast, if extendToLinkBoundary were false in this situation, the existing partially selected links would be split into two links.


href:String — The uri referenced by the link.
target:String (default = null) — The target browser window of the link.
extendToLinkBoundary:Boolean (default = false) — Specifies whether to consolidate selection with any overlapping existing links, and then apply the change.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

LinkElement — The LinkElement that was created.

See also

public function applyParagraphFormat(format:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Applies paragraph styles to any paragraphs in the selection.

Any style properties in the format object that are null are left unchanged.


format:ITextLayoutFormat — The format to apply to the selected paragraphs.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function applyTCY(tcyOn:Boolean, operationState:SelectionState = null):TCYElement

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Transforms text into a TCY run, or a TCY run into non-TCY text.

TCY, or tate-chu-yoko, causes text to draw horizontally within a vertical line, and is used to make small blocks of non-Japanese text or numbers, such as dates, more readable in vertical text.


tcyOn:Boolean — Set to true to apply TCY to a text range, false to remove TCY.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

TCYElement — The TCYElement that was created.

See also

public function beginCompositeOperation():void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Begins a new group of operations.

All operations executed after the call to beginCompositeOperation(), and before the matching call to endCompositeOperation() are executed and grouped together as a single operation that can be undone as a unit.

A beginCompositeOperation/endCompositeOperation block can be nested inside another beginCompositeOperation/endCompositeOperation block.

See also

public function changeElementID(newID:String, targetElement:FlowElement, relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Changes the ID of an element.

If the relativeStart or relativeEnd parameters are set (to anything other than the default values), then the element is split. The parts of the element outside this range retain the original ID. Setting both the relativeStart and relativeEnd parameters creates elements with duplicate IDs.


newID:String — The new ID value.
targetElement:FlowElement — The element to modify.
relativeStart:int (default = 0) — An offset from the beginning of the element at which to split the element when assigning the new ID.
relativeEnd:int (default = -1) — An offset from the beginning of the element at which to split the element when assigning the new ID.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the selection to restore when undoing this operation; if null, the operation saves the current selection.

public function changeStyleName(newName:String, targetElement:FlowElement, relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1, operationState:SelectionState = null):void
Deprecated Since 2.0: Please Use applyFormatToElement

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Changes the styleName of an element or part of an element.

If the relativeStart or relativeEnd parameters are set (to anything other than the default values), then the element is split. The parts of the element outside this range retain the original style.


newName:String — The name of the new style.
targetElement:FlowElement — Specifies the element to change.
relativeStart:int (default = 0) — An offset from the beginning of the element at which to split the element when assigning the new style.
relativeEnd:int (default = -1) — An offset from the end of the element at which to split the element when assigning the new style.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the selection to restore when undoing this operation; if null, the operation saves the current selection.

public function changeTypeName(newName:String, targetElement:FlowElement, relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Changes the typeName of an element or part of an element.

If the relativeStart or relativeEnd parameters are set (to anything other than the default values), then the element is split. The parts of the element outside this range retain the original style.


newName:String — The name of the new type.
targetElement:FlowElement — Specifies the element to change.
relativeStart:int (default = 0) — An offset from the beginning of the element at which to split the element when assigning the new style
relativeEnd:int (default = -1) — An offset from the end of the element at which to split the element when assigning the new style
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the selection to restore when undoing this operation; if null, the operation saves the current selection.

public function clearFormat(leafFormat:ITextLayoutFormat, paragraphFormat:ITextLayoutFormat, containerFormat:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Undefines formats of the specified (or current) selection.

Executes an undoable operation that undefines the specified formats. Only style attributes set for the TextLayoutFormat objects are applied. Undefined attributes in the format objects are not changed.


leafFormat:ITextLayoutFormat — The format whose set values indicate properties to undefine to LeafFlowElement objects in the selected range.
paragraphFormat:ITextLayoutFormat — The format whose set values indicate properties to undefine to ParagraphElement objects in the selected range.
containerFormat:ITextLayoutFormat — The format whose set values indicate properties to undefine to ContainerController objects in the selected range.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function clearFormatOnElement(targetElement:FlowElement, format:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Undefines styles to the specified element.

Any style properties in the format object that are undefined are left unchanged. Any styles that are defined in the specififed format are undefined on the specified element.


targetElement:FlowElement — The element to which the styles are applied.
format:ITextLayoutFormat — The format containing the styles to undefine.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function createDiv(parent:FlowGroupElement = null, format:ITextLayoutFormat = null, operationState:SelectionState = null):DivElement

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Creates a new DivElement that contains the entire range specified in the operationState at the lowest common parent element that contains both the start and end points of the range. If the start and end points are the same, a new DivElement is created at that position with a single child paragraph.


parent:FlowGroupElement (default = null) — Specifies a parent element for the new DivElement. If null the new parent will be lowest level that contains the SelectionState.
format:ITextLayoutFormat (default = null) — Formatting attributes to apply to the new DivElement.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

DivElement — The new DivElement that was created.
public function createList(parent:FlowGroupElement = null, format:ITextLayoutFormat = null, operationState:SelectionState = null):ListElement

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Creates a new ListElement that contains the entire range specified in the operationState at the lowest common parent element that contains both the start and end points of the range. Each paragraph within the range will become a ListItemElement in the new ListElement. If the start and end points are the same, a new ListElement is created at that position with a single ListItemElement child.


parent:FlowGroupElement (default = null) — Optionally specifies a parent element for the new ListElement. If null the new parent will be lowest level that contains the SelectionState.
format:ITextLayoutFormat (default = null) — Formatting attributes to apply to the new ListElement.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

ListElement — The new ListElement that was created.
public function createSubParagraphGroup(parent:FlowGroupElement = null, format:ITextLayoutFormat = null, operationState:SelectionState = null):SubParagraphGroupElement

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Creates a new SubParagraphGroupElement that contains the entire range specified in the operationState at the lowest common parent element that contains both the start and end points of the range. If the start and end points are the same, nothing is done.


parent:FlowGroupElement (default = null) — Specifies a parent element for the new SubParagraphGroupElement element. If null the new parent will be lowest level that contains the SelectionState.
format:ITextLayoutFormat (default = null) — Formatting attributes to apply to the new SubParagraphGroupElement
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

SubParagraphGroupElement — The new SubParagraphGroupElement that was created.
public function cutTextScrap(operationState:SelectionState = null):TextScrap

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Deletes the selected area and returns the deleted area in a TextScrap object.

The resulting TextScrap can be posted to the system clipboard or used in a subsequent pasteTextOperation() operation.


operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

TextScrap — The TextScrap that was cut.

See also

public function deleteNextCharacter(operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Deletes a range of text, or, if a point selection is given, deletes the next character.


operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function deleteNextWord(operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Deletes the next word.

If a range is selected, the first word of the range is deleted.


operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function deletePreviousCharacter(operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Deletes a range of text, or, if a point selection is given, deletes the previous character.


operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function deletePreviousWord(operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Deletes the previous word.

If a range is selected, the first word of the range is deleted.


operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function deleteText(operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Deletes a range of text.


operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function doOperation(operation:FlowOperation):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Executes a FlowOperation.

The doOperation() method is called by IEditManager functions that update the text flow. You do not typically need to call this function directly unless you create your own custom operations.

This function proceeds in the following steps:

  1. Flush any pending operations before performing this operation.
  2. Send a cancelable flowOperationBegin event. If canceled this method returns immediately.
  3. Execute the operation. The operation returns true or false. False indicates that no changes were made.
  4. Push the operation onto the undo stack.
  5. Clear the redo stack.
  6. Update the display.
  7. Send a cancelable flowOperationEnd event.

Exception handling: If the operation throws an exception, it is caught and the error is attached to the flowOperationEnd event. If the event is not canceled the error is rethrown.


operation:FlowOperation — a FlowOperation object

public function endCompositeOperation():void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Ends a group of operations.

All operations executed since the last call to beginCompositeOperation() are grouped as a CompositeOperation that is then completed. This CompositeOperation object is added to the undo stack or, if this composite operation is nested inside another composite operation, added to the parent operation.

See also

public function insertInlineGraphic(source:Object, width:Object, height:Object, options:Object = null, operationState:SelectionState = null):InlineGraphicElement

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Inserts an image.

The source of the image can be a string containing a URI, URLRequest object, a Class object representing an embedded asset, or a DisplayObject instance.

The width and height values can be the number of pixels, a percent, or the string, 'auto', in which case the actual dimension of the graphic is used.

Set the float to one of the constants defined in the Float class to specify whether the image should be displayed to the left or right of any text or inline with the text.


source:Object — Can be either a String interpreted as a uri, a Class interpreted as the class of an Embed DisplayObject, a DisplayObject instance or a URLRequest.
width:Object — The width of the image to insert (number, percent, or 'auto').
height:Object — The height of the image to insert (number, percent, or 'auto').
options:Object (default = null) — None supported.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.


See also

public function insertTableElement(table:TableElement, operationState:SelectionState = null):void


operationState:SelectionState (default = null)

public function insertText(text:String, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Inserts text.

Inserts the text at a position or range in the text. If the location supplied in the operationState parameter is a range (or the parameter is null and the current selection is a range), then the text currently in the range is replaced by the inserted text.


text:String — The string to insert.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text in the flow to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function modifyInlineGraphic(source:Object, width:Object, height:Object, options:Object = null, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Modifies an existing inline graphic.

Set unchanging properties to the values in the original graphic. (Modifying an existing graphic object is typically more efficient than deleting and recreating one.)


source:Object — Can be either a String interpreted as a uri, a Class interpreted as the class of an Embed DisplayObject, a DisplayObject instance or a URLRequest.
width:Object — The new width for the image (number or percent).
height:Object — The new height for the image (number or percent).
options:Object (default = null) — None supported.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

See also

public function moveChildren(source:FlowGroupElement, sourceIndex:int, numChildren:int, destination:FlowGroupElement, destinationIndex:int, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Move a set of FlowElements from one FlowGroupElement to another. The desinationElement must be a legal parent type for the children being moved, or an exception is thrown.


source:FlowGroupElement — The orginal parent of the elements to be moved.
sourceIndex:int — The child index within the source of the first element to be moved.
numChildren:int — The number of children being moved.
destination:FlowGroupElement — The new parent of elements after move.
destinationIndex:int — The child index within the destination to where elements are moved to.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies, and to which selection returns to upon undo. If null, the operation applies to the current selection. If there is no current selection, this parameter must be non-null.

public function overwriteText(text:String, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Overwrites the selected text.

If the selection is a point selection, the first character is overwritten by the new text.


text:String — The string to insert.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

public function pasteTextScrap(scrapToPaste:TextScrap, operationState:SelectionState = null):void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Pastes the TextScrap into the selected area.

If a range of text is specified, the text in the range is deleted.


scrapToPaste:TextScrap — The TextScrap to paste.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

See also

public function redo():void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Reperforms the previous undone operation.

Note: If the IUndoManager associated with this IEditManager is also associated with another IEditManager, then it is possible that the redo operation associated with the other IEditManager is the one redone. This can happen if the FlowOperation of another IEditManager is on top of the redo stack.

This function does nothing if undo is not turned on.

See also

public function splitElement(target:FlowGroupElement, operationState:SelectionState = null):FlowGroupElement

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Splits the target element at the location specified, creating a new element after the current one. If the operationState is a range, the text within the range is deleted. The new element is created after the text position specified by operationState. Note that splitting a SubParagraphGroupElement will have no effect because they will automatically remerge with the adejacent elements.

An example where you might want to use this is if you have a list, and you want to divide it into two lists.


target:FlowGroupElement — The element to be split.
operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

FlowGroupElement — The new paragraph that was created.
public function splitParagraph(operationState:SelectionState = null):ParagraphElement

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Splits the paragraph at the current position, creating a new paragraph after the current one.

If a range of text is specified, the text in the range is deleted.


operationState:SelectionState (default = null) — Specifies the text to which this operation applies; if null, the operation applies to the current selection.

ParagraphElement — The new paragraph that was created.
public function undo():void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Reverses the previous operation.

Note: If the IUndoManager associated with this IEditManager is also associated with another IEditManager, then it is possible that the undo operation associated with the other IEditManager is the one undone. This can happen if the FlowOperation of another IEditManager is on top of the undo stack.

This function does nothing if undo is not turned on.

See also

public function updateAllControllers():void

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10.2, AIR 2.0

Updates the display after an operation has modified it. Normally this is handled automatically, but call this method if delayUpdates is on, and the display should be updated before the next enter_frame event.