FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER={Absolute path to the executable}
This document will guide you through the process of building FlexJS from source.
In order to build FlexJS you require the following software installed on your machine:
A Java JDK 1.6 or higher (a simple Java runtime is not enough) (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html)
Apache Maven 3.3.1 or higher (http://maven.apache.org)
The Flash Player projector content debugger (https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html)
Make sure the following environment variable is set to the exact location of the Flash Player projector content debugger:
FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER={Absolute path to the executable}
On a Mac you have to point to the executable itself, not the app-directory
FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER="{Absolute path the the App directory}/Flash Player.app/Contents/MacOS/Flash Player Debugger"
If you are using the commandline you need to make sure the following environment variables are set:
JAVA_HOME={Absolute path to the JDK installation directory} MAVEN_HOME={Absolute path to the Maven installation directory}
The following elements have to be added to your systems PATH variable:
The following setup has proven to be usefull:
Currently you need to checkout and run builds in 3 different repositories. This is due to the fact that every part of the FlexJS SDK (Compiler, typedefs and framework) should be released separately. Also there is a technical reason for this, as the compiler part contains a plugin which is used by the typedefs and the framework. As Maven resolves all the plugins before starting to build we would have a hen-eg-problem. This is particularly hard to handle during Maven releases.
In order to build, the compiler and the typedefs need a set of plugins which are not available as standard maven plugins. Therefore the compiler build contains a compiler-build-tools project which is a Maven plugin that provides all the additional logic needed to build all parts of FlexJS. This needs to be built and released only once. As soon as that’s done we will continue to reference the released version in the rest of the build. This module only needs to be built if there are changes to the tools.
Another thing the user should keep in mind, that an important part of the
build is the flex-sdk-converter-maven-extension
. This takes care of
automatically providing the Maven artifacts for the old FDK, Air and Flash
resources. Unfortunately this has not been released yet and therefore is
only available in the Apache Snapshot Repo. Maven doesn’t know about that
therefore we have to tell it to. The best way would be to add the apache-
snapshot-repo to your ~/.m2/settings.xml
<!-- Profile that adds the apache snapshot repo to maven --> <profiles> <profile> <id>apache-snapshots-enabled</id> <!--Enable snapshots for the built in central repo and plugin repo --> <repositories> <repository> <id>apache-snapshots</id> <url>http://repository.apache.org/snapshots/</url> <releases> <enabled>false</enabled> </releases> <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots> </repository> </repositories> <pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id>apache-snapshots</id> <url>http://repository.apache.org/snapshots/</url> <releases> <enabled>false</enabled> </releases> <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots> </pluginRepository> </pluginRepositories> </profile> </profiles> <!-- Activate the apache-snapshots-enabled profile --> <activeProfiles> <activeProfile>apache-snapshots-enabled</activeProfile> </activeProfiles>
For your convenience, we added a file called "settings-template.xml" to each of
the three repositories. You could simply copy one to your ~/.m2
directory and
name it settings.xml
or you tell maven to use the template, by using the -s
parameter instead:
mvn -s settings-template.xml
So for the rest of this documentation we will be assuming you have
defined the Apache Snapshot Repository in the default Maven settings.xml.
In all other cases you simply have to add -s settings-template.xml
every Maven call.
The compiler block is the main part of the build. You can easily build it using the following command: (run it in the flex-falcon repo)
mvn clean install
This contains a large set of unit- and integrationtests. If you just want to build the compiler, the following command will take care of this without running the unit- and integrationtests: (run it in the flex-falcon repo)
mvn clean install -DskipTests
If you want to run the unittests, but skip the integrationtests: (run it in the flex-falcon repo)
mvn clean install -DskipITs
Maven also takes care of building the project website and documentation.
This is handled as part of the Maven site
lifecycle. If you want to build
the documentation for the compiler, the following command will take care of
(run it in the flex-falcon repo)
mvn site
This will create the documentation for each module inside the corresponding
modules target/site
directory. However if you open the index.html
of the
root project, the links to the sub-modules will not work as the local directory
structure differs from the structure the deployed documentation would have.
In order to locally read and test the documentation, the following command will
wrap all parts into the target/staging
directory of the project root.
(run it in the flex-falcon repo)
mvn site:stage
You can of course wrap all together into one big build: (run it in the flex-falcon repo)
mvn clean install site site:stage
The second block of the FlexJS SDK are the typedefs (aka externs). These are located in a separate repo (flex-typedefs).
Building the typedefs is quite straight-forward. All you need to do, is run the following command: (run it in the flex-typedefs repo)
mvn clean install
The framework is the last building block and is located in the flex-asjs
This contains all the modules that make up the framework of FlexJS. It also
contains a set of examples as well as the Maven assembly to build a local FlexJS
SDK distribution, which can be configured in any IDE to build FlexJS applications.
Building the framework is quite straight-forward. All you need to do, is run the following command: (run it in the flex-asjs repo)
mvn clean install
As compiling the examples takes quite a while, you have to enable the building
of examples by activating the build-examples
(run it in the flex-asjs repo)
mvn clean install -P build-examples
Building the distribution also takes a little while, so it is also not built in the default profile. In order to build the distribution, run the following build: (run it in the flex-asjs repo)
mvn clean install -P build-distribution
However this doesn’t automatically build the directory distribution. It builds a zip and a tar.gz version of the FlexJS SDK, without any of the Adobe dependencies. This is the part that is for example used by the Flex Installer to install a local FDK.
If you want to have a FlexJS SDK (including Air, Flash, Fontkit, etc.) you need to tell the build where to put it by providing a property to the build: (run it in the flex-asjs repo)
mvn clean install -P build-distribution -DdistributionTargetFolder={some directory}
If you want to build everything: (run it in the flex-asjs repo)
mvn clean install -P build-examples,build-distribution -DdistributionTargetFolder={some directory}