 ApplyElementIDOperation The ChangeElementIDOperation class encapsulates an element ID change.
 ApplyElementStyleNameOperation The ApplyElementStyleNameOperation class encapsulates a style name change.
 ApplyElementTypeNameOperation The ApplyElementTypeNameOperation class encapsulates a type name change.
 ApplyElementUserStyleOperation The ApplyElementUserStyleOperation class encapsulates a change in a style value of an element.
 ApplyFormatOperation The ApplyFormatOperation class encapsulates a style change.
 ApplyFormatToElementOperation The ApplyFormatToElementOperation class encapsulates a style change to an element.
 ApplyLinkOperation The ApplyLinkOperation class encapsulates a link creation or modification operation.
 ApplyTCYOperation The ApplyTCYOperation class encapsulates a TCY transformation.
 ClearFormatOnElementOperation The ClearFormatOnElementOperation class encapsulates a style change to an element.
 ClearFormatOperation The ClearFormatOperation class encapsulates a way to undefine formats.
 CompositeOperation The CompositeOperation class encapsulates a group of transformations managed as a unit.
 CopyOperation The CopyOperation class encapsulates a copy operation.
 CreateDivOperation The CreateDivOperation class encapsulates creating DivElement
 CreateListOperation The CreateListOperation class encapsulates creating list
 CreateSubParagraphGroupOperation The CreateSPGEOperation class encapsulates creating a SubPargraphGroupElement
 CutOperation The CutOperation class encapsulates a cut operation.
 DeleteTextOperation The DeleteTextOperation class encapsulates the deletion of a range of text.
 FlowElementOperation The FlowElementOperation class is the base class for operations that transform a FlowElement.
 FlowOperation The FlowOperation class is the base class for all Text Layout Framework operations.
 FlowTextOperation The FlowTextOperation is the base class for operations that transform a range of text.
 InsertInlineGraphicOperation The InsertInlineGraphicOperation class encapsulates the insertion of an inline graphic into a text flow.
 InsertTextOperation The InsertTextOperation class encapsulates a text insertion operation.
 ModifyInlineGraphicOperation The InsertInlineGraphicOperation class encapsulates the modification of an existing inline graphic.
 MoveChildrenOperation The MoveChildrenOperation class allows moving a set of siblings out of its immediate parent chain, and the operation removes any empty ancestor chain left behind.
 PasteOperation The PasteOperation class encapsulates a paste operation.
 RedoOperation The RedoOperation class encapsulates a redo operation.
 SplitElementOperation The SplitElementOperation class encapsulates a change that splits any FlowGroupElement into two elements.
 SplitParagraphOperation The SplitParagraphOperation class encapsulates a change that splits a paragraph into two elements.
 UndoOperation The UndoOperation class encapsulates an undo operation.