Classpublic final class LeadingModel
InheritanceLeadingModel Inheritance Object

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Defines values for setting the leadingModel property of the TextLayoutFormat class, composed of valid combinations of leading basis and leading direction. Leading basis describes which baselines determine the leading (or lineHeight) of lines in a paragraph. Leading direction specifies whether the lineHeight property refers to the distance of a line's baseline from that of the line before it or the line after it.

baselines leadingDirection_1 leadingDirection_2 leadingDirection_3

See also


Public Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  APPROXIMATE_TEXT_FIELD : String = approximateTextField
[static] Specifies a leading model that approximates the line spacing behavior of TextField.
  ASCENT_DESCENT_UP : String = ascentDescentUp
[static] Specifies that leading basis is ASCENT/DESCENT and leading direction is UP.
  AUTO : String = auto
[static] Specifies that leading model is chosen automatically based on the paragraph's locale property.
  BOX : String = box
[static] Specifies a leading model based on the CSS inline formatting model, which involves stacking line boxes contiguously.
  IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER_DOWN : String = ideographicCenterDown
[static] Specifies that leading basis is IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER and leading direction is down.
  IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER_UP : String = ideographicCenterUp
[static] Specifies that leading basis is IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER and leading direction is UP.
  IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP_DOWN : String = ideographicTopDown
[static] Specifies that leading basis is IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP and leading direction is DOWN.
  IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP_UP : String = ideographicTopUp
[static] Specifies that leading basis is IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP and leading direction is UP.
  ROMAN_UP : String = romanUp
[static] Specifies that leading basis is ROMAN and leading direction is UP.
Constant Detail
public static const APPROXIMATE_TEXT_FIELD:String = approximateTextField

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Specifies a leading model that approximates the line spacing behavior of TextField. It is similar to ASCENT_DESCENT_UP in that lineHeight refers to the distance of a line's ascent baseline from the previous line's descent baseline. However, baseline positions approximate those determined by TextField, rather than using metrics offered by TextLine.

public static const ASCENT_DESCENT_UP:String = ascentDescentUp

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Specifies that leading basis is ASCENT/DESCENT and leading direction is UP. In other words, lineHeight refers to the distance of a line's ascent baseline from the previous line's descent baseline.

public static const AUTO:String = auto

Language Version : ActionScript #IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP_DOWN
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Specifies that leading model is chosen automatically based on the paragraph's locale property. For Japanese and Chinese, it is IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP_DOWN and for all others it is ROMAN_UP.

public static const BOX:String = box

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Specifies a leading model based on the CSS inline formatting model, which involves stacking line boxes contiguously. A line box is defined as the bounding box around inline boxes for all leaf elements on the text line, after they have been aligned using baselineShift, dominantBaseline, alignmentBaseline etc. For a span, the inline box is obtained by applying leading equally above and below the text content such that its height equals lineHeight. For an inline graphic, lineHeight is ignored; the inline box is derived from its specified dimensions and padding values. Also, firstBaselineOffset is ignored with this leading model.

For more information, see Box leading model.

public static const IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER_DOWN:String = ideographicCenterDown

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Specifies that leading basis is IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER and leading direction is down. In other words, lineHeight refers to the distance of a line's ideographic center baseline from the next line's ideographic center baseline.

public static const IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER_UP:String = ideographicCenterUp

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Specifies that leading basis is IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER and leading direction is UP. In other words, lineHeight refers to the distance of a line's ideographic center baseline from the previous line's ideographic center baseline.

public static const IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP_DOWN:String = ideographicTopDown

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Specifies that leading basis is IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP and leading direction is DOWN. In other words, lineHeight refers to the distance of a line's ideographic top baseline from the next line's ideographic top baseline.

public static const IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP_UP:String = ideographicTopUp

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Specifies that leading basis is IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP and leading direction is UP. In other words, lineHeight refers to the distance of a line's ideographic top baseline from the previous line's ideographic top baseline.

public static const ROMAN_UP:String = romanUp

Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Specifies that leading basis is ROMAN and leading direction is UP. In other words, lineHeight refers to the distance of a line's Roman baseline from the previous line's Roman baseline.